Spring will come.

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"I'm so sorry", Mrs Badger tried to console her partner.

"He was my best mate," he said sadly.

"This is what becomes of those who cross the White Witch," a voice from a fox came from atop a snowy rock.

Blinded by pain Mr Beaver turned on the fox, "You take one more step, traitor, and I'll chew you to splinters".

The fox laughed, "relax I'm one of the good guys".

"You look an awful lot like one of the bad ones".

"An unfortunate family resemblance, I'm afraid. But we can argue breeding later. Right now we have to move". 

The wolves scratching on the barrel became louder.

"What did you have in mind?" Peter asked frantically.

Inevitably, the wolves had smashed through the blocked exit of the tunnel. They sniffed out the children. The fox stood bravely before them.

"Greetings, gents", the wolves circled him, "lost something, have we?"

"Don't patronise me! I know where your allegiance lies", barked Maugrim, "we're looking for some humans".

The fox chuckled nervously, "Humans?! Here in Narnia? Now, that's a valuable piece of information"

One of the wolves attacked the fox. The wolf's teeth sunk deep into the fox. Lucy gasped, which Peter hurriedly covered. 

"Your reward is your life". Maugrim chuckled harshly, "it's not much, but still".

The fox seemed to give up. "That way. They ran North".

Maugrim snarled, "smell them out".

They cast the fox aside and ran North. 

When it was safe, they climbed down from the tree just above from where Maugrim and the secret police one stood. They created a small campfire and Mrs Beaver tended to the fox's injuries.

"They were helping Tumnus. The Witch got here just before I did." The fox yelped in pain.

"Are you alright?" Lucy asked.

"I wish I could say their bark was worse than their bite. Ow!"

"Oh stop squirming. You're worse than Beaver on bath day" Mrs Beaver said.

"Worst day of the year".

The fox got up, "thank you for your kindness. But, I'm afraid that's all the cure I have time for. It has been a pleasure, My Queen, and an honour, but time is short and Aslan himself has asked me to gather more troops".

The Beavers gasped in awe: "You've seen Aslan?", "What's he like?"

"Like everything we have ever heard. You'll be glad to have him by your side in the battle against the Witch. Not to mention Red Feather will be with you."

"Red Feather?" Peter asked.

"She is the fiercest warrior in Narnia. Aslan's most trusted and loyal friend. She is currently gathering troops near the river Shribble".

" We're not planning of fighting any Witch", Susan argued.

"But surely, King Peter, the prophecy? We can't go to war without you".

Peter looked at the fire and then scanned his sister's faces, "we just want our brother back".

For the Love of Narnia (The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя