The Stone Table

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Lucy and Susan had made their way to the training ground. Red Feather stood by and watched as Susan took her first arrow and fired it at the target. It almost hit the centre. It was impressive, for a first shot. Although, Susan wasn't completely satisfied. She wanted perfection. Lucy took out her dagger. It flew through the air and landed dead centre. 

Close by the boys charging on horseback. 

"Come on, Ed! Like Oreius showed us. Sword pointed up", Peter said.

The girls watched their brothers as they charged together in combat. 

"En Garde"

"Now blocked"

Mr Beaver ran up to the Pevensies looking distressed. "Peter, Edmund! The Witch has demanded an audience with Aslan. She's on her way here". 

"Make way for Jadis, Queen of Narnian." Ginarrbriks grating voice sounded in the middle of the camp, "Empress of the Lone Islands".

Cries of disdain and hate mixed in whilst he shouted out unapologetically. Aslan was sat proudly waiting for the Witch. He seemed completely unfazed by the Queen's appearance. She too was sat proudly upon her throne carried by four Cyclopses surrounded by a patrol of Minotaurs. The glare that Aslan and the Witch held on each other never faltered.

When the children joined at the front of the crowd, Red Feather was already at Aslan's tent stood by Oreius. The Witch was lowered to the ground. Both she and Aslan stood. The Witch walked up to Aslan and spotted Edmund in the crowd. 

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan".

"His offence was not against you".

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" She tested.

"Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written" he growled powerfully.

"Then you'll remember well, that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property".

Peter stepped forward, "Try and take him then".

The Witch let out a cold laugh, "Do you think that mere force will deny my right, little King–" she looked back to Aslan, "Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands–", turning to face the Narnian army, "–all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water." Pointing at Edmund; "That boy will die on the Stone Table, as is tradition. You dare not refuse me".

"Enough. I shall speak with you alone".

Everyone watched as the Witch followed Aslan into his tent. 

It felt like hours before the Witch and Aslan finally reappeared from the tent. No one had moved from where they stood, most were on edge and you could feel the tension from the Witch's soldiers and Aslan's soldiers. Red Feather lent on the boulder behind her whilst the Pevensies sat anxiously picking at the blades of grass. 

Finally, the Witch opened the tent curtains. She looked at Edmund as she sauntered back to her throne. Everyone stood to attention, eager to hear the news. They looked at Aslan. Only a few noticed his sad look, Red Feather included.

"She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood". The entire crowd cheered.

"How do I know your promise will be kept?" the Witch challenged.

Aslan roared. With such power, the Witch fell back in her chair. Once again, the crowd cheered and laughed at the Witch. Red Feather watched as Aslan's face fell. She knew Lucy could see as well. Aslan turned away from the crowd. Suddenly, they didn't feel like cheering so much. 

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