Chapter: 2 -The first meeting

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                       -The First Meeting-

Sunlight peeked through the trees where I lay.  I look around and tried to get my bearings. How did I end up here? Extremely confused and yet... I remember I had been on a walk with my dog. That's when the realization kicked in...

I must have tripped and hit my head and gotten knocked out. But where was my dog? Asher wouldn't leave me like this. Standing up, I looked around for him and called out his name. But there no sign of my little friend. Did something scare him? Although I don't remember stumbling across this forest before? I usually stick to the same paths. But all of this looked unfamiliar.

"Here boy! Asher!" I called out, and whistled for him. Please be okay...

I forced myself to drag my legs to continue walking. I knew this it was a bad idea. If your lost, you should stay where you are. But I was too worried for Asher, and I just keeped walking, trying to find something familier.

Walking through the forest, feeling lost and scaried. Suddently I hear movement in the grass. It filled me with hope that it was Asher. Until I realized it was multiple footsteps coming towards me.

I stopped and turn to look behind me. That's when I saw several crestures races towards me. The crestures looked like twisted animals, they were laughting as they came closer and closer. In that momment I wanted to scream, but my voice was lost to me. I statred running away, no idea where I was going into the deep woods.

While I was running, I almost ran into a few trees. Then all of a sudden I felt a stabbing pain in my arm. One of the smaller crestures had bitten its teeth into my arm. It small teeth felt like knives. I pulled the cresture off my arm, yelling in pain, and throw it aside.

"P-pleseas! Someone-!" I yelled, terrified. I see a opening from the forest a few feet in front of me. My legs wobble to the opening and my breath heavy from running. "Help! P-Please!" My eyes full with tears at this point, making me trip and fall to the ground, leaving me exposed to the beasts. Their laughter ringing in my ears, as they approach me with their killing intent.

"Aaaah we are soooo lucky~!"

"Her blood smell so sweet! I want it all!!!"

How did this happen..? Everything was a normal day. So how!? I had a hard time understanding what was goin on. Was this the end? Were I...going to die...?

A shadow hoverd above me. I turned my head looking at one of the monsters paw coming closer to my face, and it smiled broadly with its teeths. Why?! Why?! Whyyyy?!

"I don't think sooo! GRAAaaww!" A voice called out, and something flew through the air, and suddenly the beast got sliced in two. Someone clothed in red, landed on the grass in front of me. Standing between me and the other monsters. "Feh, so who's next?!"

The next moment I see the monsters attacking the boy who had appeared out of no where. My mind told me to run the hell way from here, but my body would not listen. I was too scared to move, so I did the only thing I could. Keeping my head to the ground.

Then after a while. It was over. The air had the smell of iron, my heart was hammering in my chest. I heard a single set of foot steeps, walk up to me.

Was I next?

"Please! I just want to go home with my dog! Please!" I sobbed. "I-I wanna-!"

"H-Hey! Would ya stop crying!" The person yelled out, who sounds slightly insulted or flushed that I was was crying like a small child.

In any other situation, I would never let myself cried in front of anyone. But with this situation. I was so sure I was going to die.
I don't handle all my feelings. I felt afraid, confused, lost and maybe even relief to have been saved?

I was so sure. That no one would hear my cries for help. That no one could come for me. But here I was...lying in a fetal position crying...but alive.

"Thank you! Thankyouthankyouthanyou..." Still sobbing my eyes out, I tried thanking the stranger. Just letting my words fall out off me, like a rambeling idiot. Even if I wasn't sure if this person would let me go.

"Are you...?" Finally looking up from my hands, that are full of tears and snot. I saw a boy squated next to me. But this boy... he's hair was long white, and his eyes are golden. But That not the weird part though, no. That would be the two animal ears on top of his head.

No way...

With out thinking about it, I had sat up looking at him in wonder. He looked at me questioningly, his eyes said "what now?". That when I lost eye contact with him. Having forgotten to breath for a while there. I took deep breaths to try calm myself from my previous stress.

"Hey!" My space was suddently lost to me as the boy face came close to mine. "Your scent. It smell kind of like where Kagome is from. What are you doing here?!" He asked rudely, a question that I didn't have the answer to. I didn't even know what he meant by anything he just said.


A female voice called out, making the boy look to where it came from. But for myself, I felt it hard to do the same. For even looking infront of me felt hard to do. My sight began to become unclear, and a burning sensation in my arm?

Right, that monster...

The adrenaline rush from the stess was wearing out. Making me feel how tried I felt. And before I knew it. I fell into the warm body infont of me...


-Authors note-

So this is ch 2. I know my story telling not so good. Just trying writing about Inuyasha in short story form. Hope to get better and hope someone like this ^w^ Hejdå~!

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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