Part 2

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Y/n put his guns away

Y/n : " When you Said you needed help , I wasn't excepting this . What should we do Batman ? "

Batman had vanished

Y/n : " Right ............ Leave me here all alone "

Y/n got a call from Batman saying to meet him at Wayne Enterprises

Y/n arrived , peeking into the room with the Cloud seeder  . Then jumped down to the Ground

Batgirl was already there . Y/n walked up to Batman and Batgirl

Batgirl : " Heard on the scanner that the Police took In some of Penguin's men.  Say they where jumped by four crazy frogs . I assume those are my lizard guys , oh hey Y/n "

Y/n : " Hey * Waves and walks over to Them * "

Batman : " There Turtles , and The Dna on this Weapon suggests they where Mutated by an outside agent "

Batgirl : " The Technology The Ninja's have Already Stolen could be used to refine a Mutagen like that , but why ? "

Batman : " The Cloud seeder , is the last piece of the puzzle.  Which is why I had it moved to a secure location outside of Gotham "

Batgirl : " I really wish you'd brought me in on this , I mean I saw the Monster's first , it's my case "

Batman : " There where to many unknowns , you could have gotten hurt . But In the Meantime I'll need to start working on a way to counteract the mutangen , I could use your help "

Batgirl : " Thanks , although if those creatures left Penguin's men tied up for the police , maybe I was wrong about them "

Batman : " Maybe "

Y/n : " Well , Good or Not we need to know why there here.  And who they work for  "

Later , Y/n , Batman and Batgirl arrive at the Batcave , They all jump out of the Batmobile

Batman : " Get off Robin , Now "

The Orange Masked Turtle had Robin trapped underneath his Shell

Batman : " How did you get into the
This Cave ? "

??? : " Oh , well there weren't many security measures in the Northern Tunnel . We had to swim for a bit . But "

Batman glared at him

??? : " I'm Realizing you don't actually want constructive criticism right now * Sinks into his Shell * "

Batman : " What I want are answers "

Y/n : " Don't make me beat the shit outta ya "

??? : " Look , we're not here to here to fight . My name is Leonardo , these are my brother's , Raphael , Donatello and Michelangelo "

Batgirl " Seriously ? "

Y/n : " Werid "

Donatello : " Our father was really into Renaissance painter's "

Michelangelo : " And he's a Rat "

Y/n : " Again , Werid " He Crossed his arms

Leonardo : " Where not your enemy ,We came here to stop Shredder  and The Foot Clan . Honestly we thought you might be Shredder's new Partner "

Batman : " Shredder , That's his name , I've heard of a Foot Clan but I thought they went extinct ages ago "

Raphael : " There Ninja , You know Sneaky ? "

Y/n : " No shit "

Robin : " So are we not gonna beat up these green losers ? "

Batman : " It's not looking like it no "

Y/n : " Aw "

Robin : " Well , then I may as well Tell you I know exactly Shredder and The Foot are working with "

Robin : " Ra's Al Ghul "

Meanwhile , Ra's Al Ghul steps Down a hallway , with a small Smirk on his face

Guard : " Hey you can't be In here , Stop , I said Sto "

The Guards head was cut off by His Sword

Another Guard is walking around near the entrance of the mental ward . Someone slips past him , and he looks toward the scource . He saw nothing however and sighed in relief

However his eyes widen as claws as Thrusted into his back ,  slashing into his chest . Shredder drops him and let's him fall to his death as he continued forward

The security guard is approaching his station with a cup of coffee , he takes a sip he watched the feed.  Surprised to see two guards walking around . One by one each camera , guards lay there dead . Shocking him

He's about to call for Backup , but Ra's comes out of nowhere . Stopping him for calling . He holds a sword near the Guards head

Shredder : " This is a Distraction , We should be securing the Cloud seeder "

Ra's Al Ghul : " After your failure I've put another agent on that task.  The next phase of my plan.  Is here "

They Walk past a man who has a glass canister over his head.  Mr Freeze

Mr Freeze : " Whatever you two are planning , I'd appreciate being left out of it "

Bane : " Not me , I'm in.  Ra's Al Ghul means Batman and I'm just dying for a rematch "

Shredder : " You try my patience Ra's Al Ghul , The Foot has no need of these.  Freaks "

Ra's Al Ghul : " Your constant of the plan tries my patience .  So where even "

Poison Ivy : " Hush my sweet , Don't let the mean old mean bother you "

They walk past someone

??? : " Let me out , I want to kill my Brother Y/n for putting me and Harley in here "

Ra's Al Ghul : " You'll have your chance Blitz "

Blitz just Growled

Harley : " Yoohoo , Hey over here . It'll just take a second . It's very important "

Shredder : " Speak "

Harley : " You gotta come closer "

Shredder sighed and walked over to Harley

Harley : " Uh huh.  That's it.  Just wanted to make sure my Make up wasn't smudgin , Thanks Mirror Head "
She backflipped , Twirling around and laughing

Shredder : " I hate Gotham " ( A/n, lmao , love that part )

Ra's Al Ghul : " Then your in luck , Because the man who will help Destroy this city.  Is right behind this Door "

The cell opened up , but this one was different.  It was metal and had a electronic lock . It was barred so no one but Security could get in. 

Ra's used the Guards hand to open the lock.  It opened and both of them steeped in to see a lone Prisoner in his cell . A sinister smile can be seen in the Darkness before he leaned forward.  Revealing himself , his face had a clown like Appearance as his white face paint , green hair and red lips. 

The Joker

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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