:Bad news:

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Ally wakes up go visit, because he's not doing too well at the moment because of his illness. The first year he moved was going good for dad's illness until last March your dad got stage one cancer that was on top of this, already existing illness. Ever since he has gotten cancer everything for his health has gotten a lot worse.

You roll out of bed rub your eyes and stretch for a few minutes before you make your bed. You Pick out your clothes for today and leave, them out on your bed before you go take a shower. Once you get out of the shower can you brush your teeth brush your hair and put your make up on. Put on your, clothes for the day and pack a bag are you going to bring with you to visit your father.

Do you have your mother yelling for you to come upstairs To eat breakfast with your family before you leave. You finish up your breakfast and put your bowl in the sink before hopping to the car and driving to the hospital. You are at the hospital and check yourself in and get your dad's room key. Take take the elevator to floor and you knock on the door asking him if you can come in. He replied with a yes so you walk in.

You seem in the worst condition he's ever been in, so we walk up to the bed and grab a chair to sit next to him. Both both talk for a few minutes before something happens and he stops breathing, you are not the room you're in for nurses in a bunch of nurses and doctors rush in. You at the rooms I don't you see what they're doing to your father.

You add mediately called your mom and sister and tell them to come to the hospital right now. They arrive see see you crying in the hallway in ask what happened. Tell them everything that happened and I just hug you and I sit in the hallway with you and wait till the doctors come out.

I see our doctors and nurses rushing in and rushing out of you dads hospital room. Do you see them question out on a moving table into what it looks like a surgery room. Stay outside your dads room for hours texting your friends telling them what's happening hearing your mom making calls and hugging your sister because she's crying.

Finally after hours of waiting a nurse comes out and brings you into a room. She said this all down in the room and she say nothing to us. I was hoping I was gonna hear some good news about my dad, said we get the news that he didn't make it. 

" I am very sorry for your loss" she says while hugging all three of us
"How, why" your mother says in disbelief
" after we've asked him to surgery because he found out that there is nothing he can do after. He stopped breathing so long ago there is no chance of even saving him" the nurse says That's explains a few things before walking out of the room and letting us three have a moment to ourselves.

Goodness we enters the room and asked us "would you guys like to see him for the last time?" You are nod your head you watch your mom and your sister go in one by one and it is your turn to enter the room. Can you stop right before you head to to the door and you can't get up enough courage to walk through a room to see your dad. Your mom gives a big hug and so does the nurses that as a sister you are walk back to your car and drive home in silence.

Do you want shit to your room when you are home and lock the door. You call your close friends explains and everything that happened they listen to all your cries and all your emotions and your feelings. Everything on on for days until I was finally time for the ceremony.

The day of the ceremony came and you all got dressed up in your dresses and went over to the cemetery, Family drove there in complete silence not one word was spoken. The ceremony went on for about 2 1/2 hours and it came time for you to say your finale goodbyes to your dad. That's so many finished and we all drove himself. Not one word was spoken again.

Someone on for a couple more days, it's your family pictures selves up again. After a lot of good buys a lot of tears and a lot of moments she felt like you had nothing. You you find me laughing again and smiling and hanging out with your friends. Your mom and sister happy again you happy that you saw them at home at jokes from the TV. I'm finally happy again.

This is the authors note of this one was a little sentimental I will put a warning before you read this this I'm sorry this was a little sad I just had to go to three plan and I promise the next part will be better have a good night everyone!

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