:Leaving again:

484 7 5

(We are time skipping because yeah:) so time skip to the end of the week)

"Ali are you ready to leave!" You hear you mom yell
"Uh yeah hold on!" You yell back
"I guess this is goodbye" Tommy says in a sad tone
"Yeah I guess" you say back
You give him one last hug before walking down his stairs he walks behind you all the way to the door.
"Hey I'll miss you kid he says as he pulls you in for one last hug
"I'll miss you too" you say hugging him back
"Promise me we won't lose touch once you get back like we did last time"
"I promise." You let go of the hug and walk over to your mom tearing up on how cute that moment was
"Ready to go ali"
"Yeah I guess"
"Bye thank you for having us here and letting Ali stay the week we were here"
"It's no problem, she's always welcome. This is the happiest I have seen Tommy in a while" Tommy's mom says smiling

You start to tear up because you know you might not see him for a long time again. He walks over to you and bends down to your height and wipes your tears
"Hey kid it's going to be ok I'll see you soon."
You say bye to Tommy's mom and walk out of the door. (Note you are still wearing Tommy's sweatshirt from the night before) you get into your car and give him a little wave before your mom drives away.
"Hey are you ok ali Ik it's hard to leave again"
"Yeah I'm fine"

You get a notification that Tommy posted something on Twitter.
@tommyinnit: my women left me:(
Ali_streams: sorry:(
Dreamwastaken:oooo your women
Wilber: nooo I like Ali more then you:(
Tubbo: sad:(
You smile at all of the replies to Tommy's tweet and slowly fall asleep. You wake up and your already back at your house in America. You get all of the stuff from your car and go into your room. You unpack everything from your trip and just lay in your bed looking at all of the photos to took with Tommy over the week you were with him. You tweeted this before shutting off your phone.

Ali_streams: I am back home, I will be streaming tomorrow don't miss it:) without bitch boy tho:(
Tommyinnit: I'm bitch boy:)
Wilber: well no duh smart one
Nikki: Wilber be nice:)

You read some of the reply's to your post then go to the computer to print out all of the pics you and Tommy took together. You print all of them out this tape them too your picture wall. You then take a pic of the wall and send it to Tommy

Aww that's so cute:)

Thank you I miss you already and I think I'm still wearing your sweatshirt-

I miss you too and it's fine just don't lose it;)

You laugh while ready Tommy's text then you scroll through some of your socials for a little
"Ali come up here for a sec!"
"Ok coming!" You head upstairs to where you mom is standing
"Your grandmother got this for you i don't know what it is tho" she says while handing you a box
You open the box and see a framed photo of you and your dad before he got hospitalized. You start to tear up while looking at the photo.
"Aw that's so cute, make sure you text her thank you when you get back to your phone."
"I will don't worry!" You say while bringing the framed photo down to your room and texting yo ye grandmother thank you for the gift.

You start to think of where to put this then get an idea to move some of the photos and put the framed picture in the middle of them. You start to take a few of them off some of family and some of friends you hang the framed photo up and tap the ones you took of to other spots on your wall.
"Perfect" you say smiling
"Hm I guess I'll hop on the smp to see what I could do on my stream tomorrow" you say to yourself

You log onto the smp and see the tubbo is on you tubbo types "hi" in chat and you say hi back you see that he said to join vc3 so you do
"Whats up tubbo!"
"Hi ali! How was you been"
"I'm good how about you?"
"I'm good, I'm good"
"I'm happy that you are on the smp now:)"
"Aw thanks I'm happy to be here"
"Come too Tommy's base"
"Ok coming" you say as you run over there
"Here take these"
"Wow thanks"
"Where do you think I should build my base?"
"Hmm you should build your on a mountain like Sams is."
"Oh ok! Could you help me?"
"Yeah ofc"
You and tubbo start to build your house inside a mountain when your see that dream has joined the game.
"Haha hi tubbo"
"Hi dream!"
"Hi ali!"
"Join vc3" tubbo says in chat

You see that someone has joined the voice chat
"Hi tubbo and hi ali"
"So what are y'all kids doing"
"We are building Ali a house in a mountain"
"In a mountain, why a mountain?"
"Because I'm different" you say and everyone starts to burst out laughing. You talk to tubbo and dream while you and tubbo finish you house.
"So when did you get home from Tommy's?"
"Oh I got home this morning"
"He called you his women" dream says while laughing
"Yes, yes he did" you say while starting to blush"
"I saw your post the pictures you both took where cute." Tubbo says
"Oh why thank you I had to force him to take them with me."
You all start to laugh at what you just said
"Well ima log off have fun on the smp ali!"
"Thank you thank you bye tubbo and dream!"

They both leave you in the voice chat and they left the game. And you finish up your house and play for a little longer then you log off and decide to take a nap for a little.

"I'll miss you"حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن