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Soon Jason and Carson got here. They walked in.

"Jason, Carson, this in my twin; James. James, these are my 2 friends; Jason and Carson." I introduced.

"It's very nice to meet you." James said.

"Wow. You weren't kidding when you said he was a dweeb." Jason chuckled.

"Who's car are we taking?" Carson asked.

"Mine." I answered. We then began to walk put the door. But Dani stopped me.

"Behave yourself Adam." She told me.

"I will. Love you."

I then walked out with them. Me, Jason, and Carson all hopped into the car. While James opened the back door and got in. Like a normal person would.

"So where are we going?" James questioned.

"To a club and then to a party." Jason responded.

"What kind of club? Like a dance club?" James implied. Jason and Carson laughed.

"You're seriously embarrassing me James." I said.

"No. We're going to a strip club." Carson corrected.

We soon got there. We had to show our ID's to get in. James was baffled by the place. Maybe not in a good way though. We went to the bar and ordered shots.

"I've never drank alcohol before." James admitted.

"Holy shit dude. Do you live under a fucking rock?" Jason insulted.

"Aye, cut him a break." I insisted. We then all did a shot.

"Holy shit that's strong." James gasped. I've actually never heard him cuss before. He kept glancing over at the strippers.

"Bro, we need to get him a lap dance." Carson implied.

"What?" James seemed confused.

We just laughed. We did another round of shots and James began to get drunk. He's apparently light weight. Damn.

We then went over the the strippers and paid for lap dances for each of us. I know Dani probably wouldn't like that I'm doing this. But as long as she doesn't know, I'll be fine.

I could tell James was enjoying this. Maybe it was the alcohol speaking. But he was enjoying it.

When we were done we got a few more rounds.

"Duuude. We gotta go to Britney's party now." Jason declared.

We all agreed and walked out. I drove to Britney's. Even though I was drunk. A lot of people were there already.

"Stay by us no matter what." I told James.


"Ayyye! There you guys are! It's about damn time!" Allen greeted us. "Who's this?"

"This is my brother; James. We're taking him out tonight. Showing him how to live." I answered.

"Well then that's perfect."

Allen then walked away. I saw him talking to a girl and looking at us. The girl then walked over to James.

"You're coming with me." She said. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bathroom.

"Daaamn. James is getting some." Carson chuckled.

We just laughed. We then walked out back. There was a bomb fire going on. We were tossed beers. I drank it all in just 20 seconds. Which people found impressive.

We Jason and Carson then did some lines of cocaine. Even though I said no cocaine I ended up doing some too. Halfway through my 3rd line James walked out. He went up to me and slapped me across the face.

"Arr you insane Adam!? That shit can kill you!" He hissed.

I didn't even listen to what he said. All I focused on is that he just slapped me.

"Don't fucking hit me!" I yelled.

I then punched him. Which then lead to us on the ground beating the living shit out of each other. 2 guys pulled us apart.

"Chill the fuck out! We don't want any ambulances here!" A guy demanded.

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