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By the time Dani got up to go I was still awake. But faked it so she wouldn't say anything. I was laying on my side.

When I heard the front door close I got up and walked downstairs. It was 7am. I plopped down on the couch and began drinking the bottle of Jack. My phone began to ring. It was Jason.

"Hey Jason. Did yiu hear the news?" I picked up.

"Yeah, that's what I called to tell you about..." he paused for a second. "I can't fucking believe this happened to Carson. We was our best friend."

"I know. I was actually in the hospital yesterday too. But I didn't know he was there because I wasn't concious."

"Why we're you in the hospital?"

"I accidentally overdosed on Heroin too. But I made it..."

"Holy shit..." He murmured. "Well can we make a promise to get sober off of Heroin?"

"Dani already threw away all my stuff. So most definitely. I'm always here."

"What are you doing now?"

"Drinking Jack Daniels straight from the bottle and probably about to smoke pot and play video games. To cope with everything that's been happening."

"Do you mind if I come over and 'cope' with you?"

"Of course not. Come on over. Just bring your own pot."

"Alright. Be right there."

He then hung up. I got out the other bottle of Jack Daniels and 2 shot glasses. I waited upstairs for him to get here. Hoping he'll get here before Dani.

There was soon a knock on the door. I opened it up. It was Jason. He looked just as miserable as me. I let him in. 

We looked at each other for a second then just hugged each other tight. Fell into each other's arms. And then it all came out. We both started crying into each other's shoulders at the same time. We took deep breaths and pulled away a little. We looked into each other's eyes.

"We can get through this..." He whispered.

"For Carson..." I added.

Dani then walked in and gasped. I realized the position we were in. Our arms were around each other's lower torsos with our foreheads touching. Not to mention, I had no shirt on. And we were smirking at each other. We quickly moved away and faced her.

"I swear! It's not what it seems like!" I defended us.

"Yeah! We were just crying over Carson!" Jason elaborated.

"I didn't think Adam was cheating on me with you. I was just surprised to see you 2 standing there when I walked in." Dani assured. "But my parents just called me. They're gonna be here today. And we forgot that 3 months ago we told them they can stay at our house while they come visit us for a few days. Which happened to be planned today."

"Oh fuck. I completely forgot about that. Can you tell them not to come?" I insisted.

"They're already on the plane Adam. They'll be here in 3 hours. We need to clean up the place and get the guest bedroom ready."

"I'll help you guys." Jason said.

"Are you sure? You don't have to." Dani questioned.

"I got nothing better to do today." He shrugged.

"Okay then. You and Adam need to hide all the pot. Don't hide it by smoking it. Just hide it somewhere where my parents won't find it."

Jason and I ran downstairs and started cleaning up. I thought about it for a second.

"By the way, did I tell you that I finally proposed to Dani?" I questioned.

"No. But it's about damn time."

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