Apology Accepted -Hyunjin Skz-

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So like I'm in the mood for Hyunjin rn.  He's the loml currently, which will probably change in two seconds.  If you don't stan Stray Kids, go read another book hunny.  Also I'll be aging him up for this.  You'll know why after you read this section.


Strutting down the millions of stairs in her basic apartment complex, almost slipping down the very wet stairs outdoors; Y/n a 20 year old women, was rushing to get to her first day of her new job at a very popular company.  It was her first job, as she didn't bother getting a job at a young age like 16.  "Shit these stupid shoes won't get on." she seethed in anger.  She had wore a simple tight black dress with some stockings and a nice fluffy cream coloured jacket on top for warmth, as it gets pretty chilly in fall, some silver jewelry, and lastly some shiny black Doc Martens.  Running to her car, holding an old newspaper over her head as the downpour was heavy, getting lighter.  She closed the car door and turned it on as fast as possible, checking the time constantly to make sure she wasn't late. 

Y/n sped down the almost ghost town looking road while not paying attention to her surroundings.  "Almost there."  She said out loud to no one in particular.  As y/n turned into the crowded parking lot of the company she was talking about earlier, she didn't realize someone walking in front of her car as she was driving making her slam on the breaks.  She pivoted slightly to the side making sure to not damage her car and hit the young lady walking by. y/n looked at the time and realized she didn't have much time left, so she just parked her car like nothing and went into the intense looking building, blushing from embarrassment. 

Y/n walked over to the front desk embarrassed slightly asking them "Hi, I'm the new model Dior hired, Y/n Byul."  The pretty woman looked at her and brightened "Ahh I see, you made it just in time!" She got up signaling y/n to follow her.  On the little walk they had, the lady introduced herself as Yoona and filled me in on what I would be doing today.  "As you are a new model, I will be helping you with the posing and facial expressions for this shoot.  The shoot will be two different aesthetics and scenarios.  One will be a floral look with a Dior masquerade look, and one will be a black and white shoot for the new perfume we will be launching soon." y/n nodded walking into the studio they were doing the shoots in.

Y/n felt her heart drop to her stomach seeing tons of people rushing to make the set look perfect.  Yoona nudged me whispering "I will be your assistant and friend that will help you through most of the hard stuff, so don't stress it's really easy once everyone leaves and it's just you and the main crew." She gave her a sweet smile and went to get the looks on.  As y/n got changed and was styled cosmetically, she walked to the sets and Yoona explained the type of style and emotions she should portray and stuff like that.  As we talked, y/n didn't realize the photographer walked in and start setting up his gear.

"Ah Hyunjin, you finally showed up! y/n this is Hwang Hyunjin the photographer for this shoot" y/n looked at him and instantly froze.  "O-Oh hello, nice to meet you I'm y/n" she shook his hand as he also froze for a second.  About a month ago.  "y/n you should slow down, you're gonna get super sick if you keep drinking this much"  my good friend Lily groaned.  She looked at her a nodded slowly.  "Lets go dance!" y/n yanked Lilly's hand as they danced to the R&B music that blasted in the cramped club.  As she danced to the Big Poppa by The Notorious B.I.G. y/n felt eyes burning into her figure as she swayed back and forth.  She looked around while dancing slowly and sensually seeing an attractive guy staring at her with his glass of liquid luck, glossy plump lips, and stern cold eyes.  His smirk awakening a sudden surge of confidence in her.

She walked over to him, trying to stay in the more crowded area to hide herself.  A certain thing she used for people to lose her within the crowd.  She sat down next to him taking his glass, downing it in a second.  He raised his eyebrow giving me a side glance not saying anything, just checking her out.  "What'd you want?" He turned his body to her putting an arm on top if the plush, soft couch saying "What do you mean beautiful?" He looked at her in a total trance, lost in her beauty "You were staring pretty intensely at me while I was dancing, did I seem to catch your attention that much" She smirked back leaning closer to him, the alcohol having a certain affect on her to make her more "adventurous".

He chuckled, leaning in closer to the point that they're lips and nose were almost touching.  She could tell he was teasing her.  "You tickled my fancy, what can I say. You are quite stunning"  she just sat there smirking not really knowing what to do but stare.  He finally closed the little gap in between them, feeling the plump soft feeling of having each others lips enclosed on each others.  As things started to get heated, Lily came and interrupted the whole thing, saying that they had to get home. y/n pulled away from him getting a napkin and a pen on the small table, writing her number messily on it and stuffing it in his jacket pocket staring at him seductively as Lily pulled her out of the club. Hyunjin just watched as she left and touched his lips remembering the feeling, leaning back more into the couch smiling.

"y/n? y/n? Y/N!?" She snapped out of my daydream as she looked at Yoona and then back at the man checking her out in secret.  "Yes?" Yoona chuckled "Go pose we're starting the shoot silly" She walked off the set and behind Hyunjin, instructing y/n on what to do.  She posed gracefully, crouching slightly for the B&W one showing lots of expression in her face and body, modeling the Dior perfume setting it on top of her delicate milky hands.  She watched hyunjin lick his lips slightly, really focusing on the camera and the way he took angled the camera.  As she heard the click, he stayed staring for a second admiring her modeling skills, although y/n was an amature. She had stood up after a while.  Feeling her foot fall asleep a little, but ignoring the feeling.

For the floral one, she laid in the bed of beautifully arranged flowers surrounding her face and torso.  She had a black Dior masquerade mask on that defined her eyes giving them a sharp look.  For this photo, Hyunjin got closer and almost got on top of her to get a close up of her nicely sculpted face and the way she models the mask.  He once again licked his lips, she guessed it was a nervous impulse or concentration thing.  The camera once again clicked as he backed up and helped her get up from the flowerbedded ground.  It was sudden and it made her heart race as he pulled her closer to his chest saying a simple "You did great" Now that y/n thinks of it, he never texted or called after she had given him her number.  'Prick' She thought to herself "Thanks" She said kind of in a cold way pulling herself out of his grip and walking to Yoona who explained the pros and cons of the modeling style she had.

Hyunjin was too busy being taken aback to realize that she walked away.  He mentally slapped himself for never texting her.  "Damnit..." He whispered under his breath not making it noticeable that he was talking to himself.  As he was putting the photography set up away, y/n decided to talk to him even after he basically ghosted her for a month, she felt like being nice for once.  "I see you work as a photographer." She snuck up behind him, scaring him slightly.  She crossed her arms giving a slight side smile.  "You look totally different from what I remember." She walked up to him, checking if any people were still there, which there weren't, and pulled off the glasses hiding his beautiful eyes.  She tucked his black hair behind his ear pulling him closer, teasing him.

"How dare you not text or call, so rude of you" She fake pouted and went to walk away.  he pulled her back giving her a firm kiss whispering "Is that a good enough apology?" They're breaths mixed as they were so close to each other.  She pulled away and walked towards the door "Hmm" She smirked and shrugged at him one more time before opening the door, but before she could leave he said those words she longed to hear "I never stopped thinking of that kiss... Of you."  She looked back and saw his pleading eyes.  She chuckled and said softly before walking out "Apology Accepted..."  As she walked out, the door closing behind her, she saw Yoona snooping in on their conversation "Spill" Yoona exclaimed with wide eyes and a big smile on her face. y/n chuckled saying softly "Maybe another time..."

(1610 Words)

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