Falling for you

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You sighed as you walked into the common room. It was a Saturday morning which most students would be excited about. You would usually spend the evening playing card games with Dean, and Seamus but you and Seamus had a lot of tension still.

"Hi," you said to Hermione who was reading a book on a beanbag.

"sorry YN I can't talk I have to study"

"Oh Okay," well cross hanging out with Hermione off the list.

You decided to take a walk around Hogwarts. You admired the sun shining into the halls and the smell of the crisp fall air. Suddenly you felt yourself collide with someone knocking you onto the floor. When you opened your eyes you were staring down into a pair of bright green ones. You knew that these eyes belonged to none other than Harry Potter. The pair of eyes were very pretty you noticed how there were rings of blue and yellow around the pupil while the rest was bright green. YN what are you doing your staring!

"oh erm sorry," Harry said bringing you back into reality

"Sorry that was my fault," you said while getting up with a heavy coat of blush on your cheeks. Great job YN! That's the second time this week you've embarrassed yourself with Harry.

"Well, I should get going... I told Dean id help him... Study." you lied to get out of that awkward situation.

"Oh okay have fun"

Maybe you would see Dean if you could find him without Seamus that is. You walked around the halls for about 5 minutes when you saw Dean Thomas.

"Hi Dean," you said a little embarrassed because the last time you talked to him you were yelling at him and Seamus.


"I'm really sorry for not being the nicest a week ago" you apologized cutting him off.

"YN it's fine Seamus was being a real git that day I don't blame you" Woo hoo you had one of your best friends back.

"So hows your and Seamuses relationship?'' you said with a wink

"Terrible I don't think he likes me back"

"I'm sure he does he's probably just shy"

"Well enough about me, how's your love life?''

"Well... I don't know... I bumped into Harry and blushed so..."

"I mean I don't blame you," He said while you rolled your eyes

"I can already see it, YN Potter, You know you should ask him out"

"First of all no, Second of all he doesn't like me back, thirdly you still have to ask out Seamus," You said and Dean scoffed.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast you mainly just talked to Dean and wandered the halls.


I sat in my dorm room trying to sleep, but there was something on your mind. Well, not something someone... YN. You most definitely had a crush on her... well for two years now. I mean who couldn't tho. She was just perfect the way she could make anyone smile with just one word or the way her eyes glowed mesmerizing you. I wish I could talk to her without making a fool of myself. for example, earlier today I had run into her embarrassing myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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