Their Main Colours

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Colours I'd associate with each character

Amy: Baby Pink (Blossom)

Pink symbolizes love and romance, caring, tenderness, acceptance and calm. Baby pink is a soft, fun colour that is often connoted with cotton candy; soft and sweet. It is an energetic and youthful shade of pink.

Amy is a very love oriented person, as seen with all of her relationships on the show, but she also has a super sweet and bubbly personality. She is almost always calm,  almost never raising her voice or getting angry, preferring to mostly avoid conflict. Her dancing isn't punchy or powerful, and is more smooth and soft, which matches pink very well.

Cleo: Dark Green

Green represents endurance, persistence in following our goals, therefore it is often used as a symbol of stability. Green is also associated with one's strength to cope with adversity. However, green may also be connected with envy and jealousy.

Cleo is an extremely ambitious person, and will do anything to reach her goals, including convincing others to help her. She's a strong dancer, with hard hitting movements. However, she may get jealous or annoyed when people don't think the same as her, which we can see where she gets annoyed when A troupe chooses to go to Dancemania.

Finn: Yellow (Sunshine)

Yellow stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy. Out of all the colours on the spectrum, it is the one that is most often connoted with the most positive feelings.

Finn is definitely the most optimistic and happy person on the team, and it's only fitting that he gets the happiest colour. He prefers not to worry about things, which unfortunately can get him into some sticky situations. I don't think he's unintelligent, but instead forgetful and easily distracted. He's eager to help, as we can see when he volunteers to help for the resurrection round.

Heathcliff: Red

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color, with a more short-tempered attitude.

This season, Heath was very determined to make his way onto a troupe, and prove that he was a capable dancer. His dancing is powerful and punchy, with tons of hard hitting accents and tricks. Heath is also quick to get agitated by Ozzy, and thrives on competition, which makes him a very good match with the short-tempered nature of the colour red.

Henry: Brown

Brown is a natural color that evokes a sense of strength and reliability. It's often seen as solid, much like the earth, and it's a color often associated with resilience, dependability, security, and safety

Henry is a very responsible person who anyone can rely on, as we can see where he helps Finn plan a date for Amy. I feel that he's someone that any of the dancers can, and will go to if they need to talk to someone. He has a great, down to earth personality and is pretty chill about everything.

Izzy: Lime Green

Lime green is a color closely associated with nature, confidence, and high energy and is thought to promote feelings of liveliness, freshness, and creativity. It is a youthful colour which is more positive than other shades of green.

Izzy is one of the younger dancers on the show, yet she dances with huge confidence and style. She hits her moves hard, with tons of energy, and is definitely a creative person. She provides a new, fresh style for b troupe and brings something different to the table. Green is also associated with nature, and Izzy definitely has a down to earth personality.

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