Activities Outside Dance

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What each character would do if they didn't dance.

Amy: Ice Skating

I think that Amy is a very fluid dancer, and her movements and flexibility suit the gliding movements of ice skating really well. She also really likes camping, so I can infer that she likes the outdoors and since Canada is cold for quite a bit of the year, she would really enjoy outdoor skating rinks.

Cleo: Debate Club

Cleo is a very argumentative person, who takes no prisoners to get whatever she wants. This attitude would definitely suit someone who's constantly competing to win in a speech sort of way. She's not shy or soft-spoken, and I think she'd be a good public speaker.

Finn: Singing

Finn has always a secret talent in singing all is life, but he doesn't let people hear him often after the fruity moons commercial. But I think he's definitely good at it, and does enjoy singing for fun. I don't think he'd ever have intentions of ever training in singing again (he probably trained as a child actor but he'd do it for fun.

Heathcliff: Basketball

I think that Heath is a very competitive person, and would enjoy a sport where there are points scored. Basketball can be quite aggressive in some cases, and there are definitely rivalries which would suit him. I also think that his movements sometimes really resemble a basketball player, but that may just be me.

Henry: Writing

As Henry's a romantic and idealistic person, as well as really down to Earth, he'd probably enjoy a creative outlet, but not one that includes visuals since he doesn't really express himself through colourful clothing. He'd want to get his ideas down by writing, and I think he'd be really good at it because of his neutral personality.

Izzy: Football

I feel like Izzy would have been introduced to football by Ozzy, and would have fallen in love with it despite Ozzy not enjoying it for long. She definitely has the energy for all of the running, as well as the power for passes and shooting. She's also a great team player, which makes her great for the sport.

Jude: Painting

Jude, being dyslexic, probably doesn't enjoy things that are too detail oriented or specific. Instead, I think she'd like an activity that's more creative, where lefts and rights or text aren't included. Thus, I think she'd really like painting, where she can be free to do what she wants and there isn't really such thing as a mistake.

Kenzie: Acting

Kenzie is a person who enjoys putting on a performance for people, so I think she'd still be part of the performance industry. She'd most likely get into something like acting or musical theatre, preferring more upbeat and cool roles instead of emotional ones.

Kingston: Digital Media (Youtube)

Kingston obviously has a past in filming videos, and I think that he'd be really interested in the production side of things. The processes of editing, and special effects, transitions, and camera angles would all be really cool to him, and he'd love producing content as well.

Lily: Netball

Lily's still a competitive person, but more inwardly and I think now that she's matured, she likes being part of a team. Thus, I chose netball, as it's a team sport that's competitive, but isn't a contact sport, as I don't think Lily would be a person to tackle or barge into someone to win.

Noah: Music Production

We all know Noah is very musically talented, so obviously he'd have a hobby in music production. He doesn't train in it often, being mostly self taught, but he loves having other ways of expressing himself apart from dance. Like Stephanie, he'd want to be a triple threat, and enjoys all three of singing, acting and dancing.

Ozzy: Robotics/Coding

I think that since Ozzy has a reputation of being a gamer or being a nerd, there'd probably be a reason for that. I think that his love of gaming would lead to coding, which then would lead to robotics, as I think he prefers more tangible work (e.g. dance). He's definitely smart enough for this hobby.

Piper: Harp

I think that Piper would also be musically inclined like James, him having introduced her to music, but instead of having a pop style, she'd prefer more classical and calm music, which makes her perfect for the harp. It's an elegant instrument, which I think suits her more quiet spoken but kind personality.

Richelle: Gymnastics

Richelle would definitely choose something that requires a lot of discipline and training, and gymnastics is definitely a sport that requires that. She's a powerhouse, and has the mindset of a competitive gymnast. She would also appreciate that even though she'd be part of a team, she gets to compete as an individual and be the center of attention when performing.

Summer: Piano

It has been mentioned that Summer was part of a band, and I feel like the keyboard/piano would be the instrument that suits her most. It's versatile, and be can be played in major or minor, and I feel like Summer's personality, though often happy (major key), can have hints of sadness/loneliness (minor key).  

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