Chapter 1

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"Theres gonna be time in your lives when people tell you that you cant do something , that you cant live your dreams but this is what i tell you never
say never ." -Justin Bieber

This was a quote i liked to live by ,it inspired me. Its that quote i kept telling myself at this moment to defeat the negative thoughts. I was about to go on stage with my legs and hands trembling . I kept telling myself i cant do this . Im not good enough. Im just a young girl with a stupid dream that will never happen . I took deep breaths . "Next up is ..." "Wait whats your name?" The man with the microphone asked me while covering it. "Ummm" i didn't say anything else i was too nervous and shy, how was i even suppose to sing than? "Well ladies and gentlemen next up is umm Unknown singer !" He decided to say. The crowd laughed ...
Well now let me tell you how i got here . What brought me here. Well it was a regular day , i mean not really. My family was torn apart . It was nothing new , but it was something that had happened recently . My older brother Jonathan had died in a car crash about 5 months ago . It has torned my family apart . I miss him so much. He was like a second dad to me. He made me laugh, gave me advise, and he was the only one that believed in me. Our family was the best. Now its all depressed , my parents don't pay much attention to me anymore. I had to learn not to only cook for myself but for them. i was the one who worked around the house . I was the only one who could keep this family going. Which sounds funny since i am the youngest, but my parents couldn't take the loss of their child. Of course i couldn't take the loss of a brother as well, but he had toled me before to not be depressed if anything bad ever happened to anyone in the family . He toled me to instead move on and be happy because that person wouldn't want to see you sad and depressed from up above. So thats what i did. Anyways it was any day, i was up in my room singing like usual and my parents were downstairs usually didn't talk much to each other only a few words here and there. I had left them food there to eat . Suddenly i herd them yelling " can you please shut up , how can you possibly be so happy and singing you're brother just died ! He's gone ! He was the one who helped us with everything! And now were just stuck with you worthless kid!" Those words tore me apart . These weren't like my parents but i understand how hard it must be for them. i realized its true how could i possibly be so happy after his death. Something i didn't even understand , how could i be so strong. I guess i tried and distracted myself by being happy to not think about him and how much i need him right now. I didn't respond after mother yelled. It was silent now, i just immediately broke down in tears. Hoping they couldn't hear me from downstairs. I first was sad but slowly my sadness turned into anger. How could they say he was the only one who helped them? I even made food for them , i try to take care of them, clean the house, and they call me worthless! I then started packing as much as i could in my floral backpack . I took some snacks , water, my oversized sweater, more extra clothes, my phone headphones and my journal, with a pencil of course. I ran out the back door not thinking at all. I just couldn't take it no longer.

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