Chapter 7

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It was more like a makeshift strip club than a bar. It smelled of beer and cigarettes, but the first thing she saw was a woman in an outfit like Laura's own (but with heels), dancing slowly in front of a group of men. Every now and then a guy would get up to pull at her clothes, or lick her skin, the others laughing or cheering. The woman barely reacted, her gaze distant. Laura nearly tripped over, unable to look away, the scene made her feel serious dread.

Reid glanced at the group, but kept walking, accepting a beer from a big fat man who stood behind a bar. He downed half of it, Laura watching his broad throat working, and then let her take a few sips.

"You only get what I give you," he told her. "And you don't leave my side. And you don't make eye contact with anyone else. Even if they talk to you. Got it?"

She nodded, passing the beer back.

"Good girl." He finished his drink, and got another. They were near the pool tables that she'd seen briefly the night before. A game was in play and there was a girl who'd been designated a lucky charm. Everyone kissed her before each shot, groping under her clothes. She was playing along, smiling at them, but when she turned away Laura saw her face fall.

One of the men offered Reid a shot, but he shook his head and led Laura to a semi-circle of seated men, who were half-watching another woman twirling around a pole. Reid sat on a low armchair and pulled Laura down. She thought he was going to make her sit on his lap again, but no, he pushed her on to the floor to sit by his feet, and then he threaded his hand through her hair.

"Don't turn away," he said, forcing her head forward when she tried to ignore the woman. "In fact, you might want to take notes, sweetheart." He said it as if he was unaware of anyone else listening, but his words were loud enough for the audience. "You've got a lot to learn."

Laura's face immediately burned in humiliation. She could hear the other men laughing, could feel them looking her over.

"This your girl, then?" one of the men called over, he had a nasal voice.

"Yep," Reid said behind Laura.

"Switch says you stole her, right out of a Chick-fil-A parking lot."

"I caught her. She's mine."

"There's people looking for her. Was on the news. She's a Brit, they said."

Reid shrugged. "They won't find her."

"Not if she don't leave. You looking to keep her here forever?"

Laura let herself react to that, felt her eyes widen they snapped up to Reid. He ignored her, pulled her hair again, so she was facing away from him. Was he watching the dancing woman too? Was she turning him on?

She was miserably jealous for a moment, before she pulled herself together, reminded herself how insane this all was. And people were looking for her, it had been on the news. Her dad must have reported her missing, the police were searching, her mother must be doing everything she could. How long till they found her, till Reid let her be found?

"What's it to you if I keep her here?" Reid asked.

"Nothing. Just know if you were any other prospect you wouldn't be getting privileges like this, wouldn't be allowed to risk the club like this."

"What's the risk?"

"You could start a fucking war, man."

"Over one little bitch? Give me a break."

"Sweet little bitch."

"Too sweet, maybe," said another man. "If you need Vicky here to teach her how to behave."

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