10 days before Christmas2

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~ Part Twenty-one ~

10 days before Christmas part 2

After Julia got herself dressed, she went down stairs to find Death glaring at her from the corner of the living room leaning on his cane. She also found Dean and Sam getting Castiel to try Deans eggnog, which was a bad idea. "Hey sleepyhead" Julia looked over to where Ketch was sitting and just stared. "Rowenaaaaa!!" she yelled out and the witch came running from the secret room "calm down! I'm trying to find the ingredients to fix it!" Julia glared over at her. Rowena had turned Ketch back into a human....but the cat ears and tail remained. "How on earth did you mess this up!?" Julia flared out her arms "I put a bit of extra Lotus flower in-" she cut Rowena off. "But Rowena- aren't you literally the most powerful witch in the world right now!?" Julia shook her head and Rowena sighed dramatically. "Well when you put it like that, you make it sound like I can do every and anything" she walked back to the room. Julia looked across the room to Death and seemingly glared, which kinda confused him, he should have been the one glaring, she was just laughing at him moments ago. She then walked over to the corner chair and sat down next to the standing horseman. "Why on earth are you mad at me now?" Death rolled his eyes "what makes you think I'm mad at you?" she raised a brow. "You were just glaring at me like you wanted to kill me Julia, it's hard to not think your mad at me" Death said, now wondering if she was even glaring at all. "Awwwe is the little horsey man worried that I'm mad at him?" Death glared down at her "don't call me that again....and NO I'm not actually" Julia was a wild card but he was putting the puzzle pieces together.

"You avoided my question.....perhaps you weren't glaring but squinting instead" Julia shifted in her seat. "I have no idea what your taking about" she turned her head away from him. "Ah....so it is your eye sight" Julia quickly looked up at him with a irritated look "I can see you right now and I was able to see you all they over there so don't even MENTION my vision" yeah....she wasn't happy. "I will leave you alone.....but that will worsen, just keep that in mind" Death said, he felt sorry for Julia, her life is nothing but misery and pain, and yet she dances right through it all without saying anything to anyone. Julia noticed a change in her vision a few years back, she isn't sure why it started but it has worsened and she can't see long distances. She refuses to get glasses and she hunts in the dark anyways when you cant see anything, so she's pretty good at keeping her secret hidden considering she is used to mostly not seeing at certain distances and goes off of sound. "Julia...." her father walked over to her "what's that on your finger?" Julia flinched, juuuuust great. "Oh it's a....um...uh" well she didn't have an excuse this time and Dustin just rolled his eyes at her as he lifted her left hand up, Death was alerted by this. "A stone with no band huh.......on your RING finger" he looked at her and glared, something was up and he knew it "how do ya keep it there?.....Gorilla glue?" Crowley noticed a slight distress and knew Dustin was up to something. "Ah- what is with all the hush talk over here dad?" the king of hell said with a big grin across his face, he was trying to distract him.

"Your not my son demon" Dustin was automatically distracted, he couldn't stand demons, let alone the king of hell calling him dad. "Oh really? I think Julia would agree and to prove your my dad I will challenge you to a drinking contest" Crowley stated as he smirked "and believe me, it takes a LOT to get me drunk so if you your able to still stand then I won't call you dad BUT if your too drunk then I win" Dustin sighed frustratedly. Julia and Death looked at each other, unsure of what Crowley was playing at, her dad almost never could get drunk. "Your wasting your time boy- im immune to alcohol" Crowley laughed "even Deans eggnog??" Dustin stomped to the kitchen where a laughing Dean and Sam plus a staggering Castiel was, with Crowley following close behind after giving Julia a wink. "Oh thank the heavens- or hell actually" Julia tilted her head as she looked at Crowley then to Death who was looking elsewhere, he was very concentrated on the window, the sun was actually setting, Julia had been in that nightmare for a long time. "What is it?" Julia whispered over to him, becoming more aware of her surroundings "nothing actually, I just sense that some of your friends are in danger" Julia quickly rose from her chair. "Why didn't you tell me?" Death grabbed her arm gently "just wait" she looked confused. About that time, Deans phone ringed "oh hey Donna....what?.....is she okay?.....okay were on are way" he hung up. "Guys we're going out, Donna and Jody are close by, they have a vampire problem." Donna and Jody were good friends, especially to the boys, they are both hunters but they also work for police.

The boys and Julia's dad plus Ketch teleported there by using the angels and Rowena and Julia made it look like Crowley teleported them there, but it was actually Death who did, Bobby stayed home to watch Alex and Josh. They had machetes at hand, the angels had their angel blades and Crowley and Death had their finger snaps and Rowena had her magic. "Oh thank goodness you guys are here!" Donna's Minnesota accent could be heard from behind, they had teleported into a small room with vampires banging at its door. "I could wave my hand and let it be over with" Death whispered to Julia who shook her head 'no', if it was vampires, she took joy in killing them after what happened to her brother. Finally the banging stopped and after a few minutes they opened the door, nothing was there, probably trying to lead them out. "Where did they take Jody?" Sam asked "I-i don't know, they had me blind folded but I escaped, Jody didn't" Julia moved her head so that her neck made a cracking noise then she got into a running position. "Julia-" Death was cut off by Gabriel "Jul's don't!" she had already sprinted down the hallway of the building, and believe it or not, you couldn't hear a thing when she ran, a long time ago her mom had taught her how to position your feat when you run so that you never make a noise. Death started teleporting all over the place, and for some strange reason, there was warding for reapers up in certain spots, the vampires must have figured out Death was back and decided to take extra precaution. Two vampires quickly looked up at seeing Julia run at them, she already sliced both their heads from their bodies in one swipe. She could hear a little shooting from upstairs that was probably from one of the boys trying to hold off a few vamps. After killing five more, she tiptoed into the buildings basement, she staggered slightly, her vision blurred up for a second making her grumble, clearly irritated.

After a few more times of random blurry vision, she found Jody tied up in one of the corners. "Foxy! am I glad to see you" she chuckled, Julia checked for any bite marks, Jody was clean. she went to cut the rope with her knife but her vision went black all of a sudden, and it wasn't going back. "Are you gonna help me or- Julia your eyes!" Jody was shocked, Julia's eyes we're more dull....like they had clear white-ish covering over them. "Yeah I know!" Julia snapped, she tried her best to cut the rope but she almost cut Jody instead, she was actually freaking out right now and wasn't in the best state of mind. "Julia- behind you!" Julia tried to quickly move out of the way somehow but the king vampire grabbed onto her leg with his long claw like nails. "Ow!....." she kicked up with her other leg, managing to kick the guy in the face, making him lose his grip on her. Julia quickly got up and limped off somewhere in the room, where exactly she could not tell. "Blind are we? guess little ol me will have to stay quiet then" He put duck tape on Jody's mouth so she couldn't say where he was. After a minute, Julia could no longer tell where he was until she felt him breathe on the back of her neck. She then swung around to decapitate him but he caught her arm and threw her across the room into a concrete wall. "Son of a witch....." Julia mumbled, a quote she got from Crowley, she was still trying to keep herself calm over her vision failure, which wasn't helping. The guy was still silent, most vampires were masters at sneaking so that made it more difficult for Julia. He grabbed her side and dug his nails in, drawing a lot of blood and threw her to another part of the room. "....OUCH..." Julia gritted her teeth, she felt something that felt like blood against the wall and barley traced over it with her index finger, recognising the pattern as a reaper warding.

The king vampire grabbed onto her shoulder this time "oh you poor thing" he chuckled darkly. "Hey- how would you fill if you met Death?" Julia coughed "we don't speak that name around here!" he slapped her face. "I take that as a yes-" she laughed "like you can scare me with this nonsense" he huffed. "Oh I think I can darling" she smeared the fresh blood with her hand, messing up the warding. Within seconds, an angry Death had appeared, all Julia heard was the sound of breaking bones and the vamps scream. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Deaths voice was louder than Julia had ever heard it. "I-im fine" she coughed, Death crouched down and healed her wounds and then he noticed her eyes. "I told you this would happen" he put a gentle hand on the side of her face but she shook him off. "I don't like my eyes messed with- and we need to check on the others- could you also free Jody?" Death sighed frustratedly but snapped his fingers so Jody was now free.  "Do they know your with a reaper!?" Jody couldn't see him but she connected the dots after Julia broke the warding. "Death actually" Julia grinned "for the love of- you know what, if he's helping, I'm not gonna be too judgemental just yet, let's get out of here" Jody shook her head. "W-what are you doing?" Julia asked as Death picked her up bridal style "you can't see and I'm not holding your hand" he rolled his eyes. Jody was long gone and already with the others by the time they made it outside.

Everyone's eyes widened as Dean let out a confused yell "what the-how the hell are you floating!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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