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The world is fading. People are becoming screen obsessed loners and the artificial lights of the city block out the lights of the stars. Polluted air is all we breath and our lungs struggle to cope with the terrible change. Sulfur fills the air as fires ravage the undergrowth and our lands cry out in thirst when no water falls from the ever fading skies. This is what we do to destroy our ever fading planet, our blue dot that flies through space waiting to be saved and the animal kings throw down their crowns in everlasting defeat as their kingdoms fade away into dust and the stars watch in silent pity from above, knowing that not even they can save us now. But the world keeps on spinning and somewhere deep below the seedlings of plants soon to come stir and awaken and the birds sing the songs for all the world to hear: 

We may fade, but we are still here. 

We are still here. 

We do not fade.  

We will never fade. 

We are still here. 

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