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I have a little message for yall at the bottom, but that can wait until the end of this chapter, hope yall enjoy! Also, that be his house up there so yee!

~Naruto POV~

Kura stuck to his word, the next day, we got to do some training. We started with 10 to 15 pushups, situps, curl-ups, laps, and so on. We started low because I was; one still recovering, and two somewhat malnourished since mother and father didn't feed me often and no villager would offer me food.  As the week progressed, the training got harsher. By the end of the month, I was doing 45 of everything, EVERY DAY. When I was finished, it was like my body was on fire. I told Kura about this and all he did was laugh in my face and bumped up the training. 2 months later I was doing 105 every day. We went with that for about a week, and once I was able to do it like it was second nature, we moved onto charka. First I was just meditating, then it went onto Kura placing weights on me, making it so that in order for me to even lift a finger, I had to emit an even amount of charka. If I let out too much, I'll get a shock, the more I kept letting out too much, the stronger the shock got. (That was so hard to word, not going to lie) And if I put too little, I couldn't move at all. 

I was finally done with charka training after about a month. Kura decided that he will be the only one to take off the weights, and he will only do it when he feels like it.  Shocker. We then moved onto actual studying, like learning the village's history, and shinobi techniques. I was now exercising, meditating, and studying every day.  I was done with studying everything within 2 months and boy was I happy about that. Now it was time to get to the real stuff, he made me learn the basics of a simple jutsu, shadow clone jutsu.  He said that this jutsu will not only help with my training but also with getting the basics of how learning a new technique was going to go. I was able to get it down in 2 days and we just skyrocketed from there. We spent 4 months learning the basics of ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu. Since we still had 2 months left, Kura ask me to pick some other jutsus that I wanted to learn, so I choose medical ninjutsu and sealing ninjutsu. I spent the last 2 months learning them. Please remember that through all this I was also exercising, meditating, running from angry villagers, and hiding from my cruel family. I went to Jiji's once I turned 6 to see if we could move into the Forest of Death, by now I have mastered the basics of all of my chosen jutsus. 

Once we showed Jiji my newfound strength, he was beyond thrilled, he couldn't wait to see what I could accomplish. We got permission from the council that we could stay in the Forest of Death, saying something about that if they're lucky I'll get mauled to death I don't know. Usually, I would've got mad, but I couldn't with all this excitement going through me, I was finally getting a home, not a house, a home.  Once we reached the forest, I walked in and summoned Kura in his human form so he could walk with me, I was ready for my new life with someone that I love. We spent the first half of that year building our new home, with me, Kura, my shadow clones, and the animals' help, we finished in records time. We spent the rest of the year, exploring the forest and continuing with my training, it was mostly exercising and meditating. Don't ask me why though, for I have no clue.

After doing that for 6 months, and turning seven, by then I realized how much I missed the shinobi stuff. I miss the hand signs, the kunais, the seal papers. This made me realize that I wanted to continue my shinobi training. So we spent the next 3 years training me up and helping me master my jutsus. I traveled around, without permission, and started to meet different people. I was constantly getting new ideas from the world around me. I never knew that the world was so colorful and bright. By then, I was at Kage level for my most normal ninjutsus, medical ninjutsu, sealing ninjutsu, and Taijutsu. I only reached Jonin level for Genjutsu, for I don't really like using illusions. They hurt me morally. Also, Kura has yet to take off the limits, but at this point, I don't even realize that they are there anymore, if I'm being honest. In all these years I haven't seen nor talked to my parents or my siblings, and let me tell you, I never felt this good before.

I went to Jiji's the day after I turned 10 and made a deal with him. I took the anbu test and was able to join a team (of course he did this dude be strong.) I took Itachi's spot as the youngest anbu and joined a team with dog anbu, weasel, and snake. I asked Jiji to keep my identity a secret and to let me be the one to tell my teammates my identity. He agreed and I was happy that he trusted me enough to let me call some shots. After that I felt like my life was really going uphill and that I could be more than the village's monster. 

Then one night, all that went down the drain. On the night I turned 11, me and my teammates had to turn in a report to Jiji. We were on a mission for 3 weeks, we didn't get an end date. It was a mission where you had to go, take however long we needed to complete the mission and then come back. I was dumb and didn't keep track of the dates this leading me to messing up big time. I was walking back from the tower, in my civil outfit and at a slow pace, I was tired and super sleepy. I was almost at the entrance of the forest when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to come face to face with a man with blushing checks and a breath that smelled like alcohol. He shoved me into the alleyway where a group of men was waiting. They all looked super drunk. I was about to run, knowing that I couldn't fight them since I was now a shinobi, but one of them got on top of me. They start to punch me, slap me, kick me, the more they did, the more energy I lost. After about 20 minutes of them beating me up, they started to walk away. I watched with blurry eyes as their bodies got further away from me, but then one of them turn around. It looked like he said something to them and then started to walk back to me. The others had already left as he crouched down and whispered in my ear, "This is going to be fun." 

I'm done, I want to truly apologize for not posting, I know I said I was going to make a schedule and everything but I just got so distracted with school and work. I promise that I will keep posting, I don't know when but I will. I made this at 12 o'clock at night so if you see any mistakes please let me know. I made this one pretty long, so I hope you enjoy it, bye.

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