Shut. The. Hell. Up.

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*breathes in slowly*

You know that feeling you get when you suddenly come up with a ground-breaking, one-in-a-million , billion-dollar idea that you are absolutely sure is gonna be a hit, that joyful, giddy, colorful feeling you get in your heart that spreads to your belly and make you wanna explode with excitement?.

That feeling that makes your heart beat so fast and you suddenly have the strong urge to tell people about your life changing idea? Maybe not all of it but a teensy weensy important part so they can praise you and tell you how brilliant you are or so they can support you?.
Yeah that feeling, that very feeling😊...

Banish it! 👿

Destroy it!👿

Throw it into the pit of hell!!👿

'Cos that's truly where it belongs🤦

That feeling is gonna destroy the great plan that you have before it even comes to life.
People have different energies about them, some people have a way of deflating your confidence by just talking to you, you then find yourself questioning that brilliant idea and seeing loopholes in it.

Thoughts like: "Maybe I didn't think this through" and "I don't think it's such a great idea anymore" begin to come up in your mind. Well, you're right, you really didn't think it through because if you had then you would have realized that a lot of people tell you that they want you to succeed but don't really want to see you do so.

When you get a business idea that you think is absolutely amazing the first thing you need to do is calm your nerves, then sit back down and think of the resources you're gonna need to see this idea come to life.

So until you're absolutely sure that whoever you want to discuss your business idea with will help you with any form of resource, do not, I repeat, do not, tell them about it, even if they would be a huge source of help to you, make sure to only reveal parts of the business idea that concerns them, not the whole thing because you never really know who is who.

Taking a step back from this whole business thing, you would have to agree that a whole lot of things get done when you don't tell people about it prior, right?

So if it's true for other things, why can't it be the same for business?🤷

Business 101!: Dos And Don'ts For Startup Businesses❤Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt