Chapter 1~ Wizard

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"Mom! Mom!"

I look around t the rubble. Her body lies there.

"Oh my god Mom!" I scream. "Why would you do that?" I shake her but she wouldn't wake up.

I just sit there knowing that she is dead. Unmoving. Then I see cars with very bright head lights coming towards me. People with guns come out.

"Put your hands up!"

I shakily put my hands up.

"Cuff her."

A soldier came up to me and knocked me out. When I come too I'm in a interrogation room.

"Hello. I'm Agent Phil Coulson. And this is Nick Fury."

"Hello. What do you want from me? I don't know anything and I didn't do the crime. We done here?" I stood up. They gave me no time to grieve or to think. I was so angry. The room started shaking. All I could think about was the fact that I wouldn't be able to see my mother again or to ask her why she would do this to herself or me. The room started to shake even more violently.

"We are going to need you to calm down."

"No. No. No. No." I started having a panic attack. I don't get them often but when I do they are bad. I start hyperventilating and crying and I hit the side of my head with my hands and I go to the corner of the room and I rock back and forth. The room seemed to be crumbling. Then black boots came towards me and crouched down. In front of me was a handsome man dressed all in black.

"Hello there darling this is going to help you calm down." Some green magic floated around his fingers and he pressed his fingers to my temple. When he did I felt my cheeks flush. I must look a mess. I did clam down a little though. "Hmm. This usually works a lot more but, I guess this will do."

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"No thank you gorgeous. I got to finally use my magic."

I scoffed. "Gorgeous. I look a mess."

"On the contrary you look way better than the people back on Asgard even now."

"Thanks Hotness."

"Hotness? I'm afraid you'll have to do much better than that." I look at him I mean really look at him. Then I notice who he is, Loki. The same guy who attacked New York but, I still think he is the most handsomest man I've ever seen.

"Time to go." Nick finally spoke. "You ready to talk now."

"Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. I think the wizard really helped." I looked at him with a smile. He chuckled.

"Happy to be of service." I gulped. I could think of another service he could help me with. I can tell he thought about that too which is why he said it.

"Can you stay?"

"I'm afraid I can't being me and all." I looked at the agents.

"I won't talk unless he is here. I trust him."




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