In which two kids kidnap a bunch of teenagers and then some

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Hey guys so due to me being on my finals for this year's second quarter for my online classes updates on (the galra, the paladin and kittens?) May be a bit delayed. Plus I'll be traveling for a week During my two weeks of winter break so hopefully you'll see something by the beginning of next year.

Anyhow I saw a few characters reacting to their own TV shows and book characters reading their books... So I decided to take up my phone... And write down two different versions of (the galra, the paladin and kittens?)

This first Version will be the characters reading my fanfiction Word for Word... Hopefully. And the other one which will be named (watching the future the galra, the paladin and kittens?)

And the other version will be this one... Admittedly this version will be a little more easier for me... Since I already have nine chapters down I will be merely copying and pasting down the chapters and writing down the text Word for Word in bold.

As for the one mentioned above... Well that might take a little time but I'm almost done with the first chapter/episode.

And PS I changed up a few things in the introduction/prologue in both of them... I wanted them to be unique and you could say that these two different works take place in either the same universe or an alternate universe. I like to consider that these two works out from the same universe. My second work which will be the movie/episode version takes place A few months before this one.

PPPS: yes I changed up the summary in (the galra, the paladin and kittens?) I wanted to have a better summary for my story.



Ethel: 6

Douxie: 9


Lance, hunk, pidge, allura, shiro, coran and Keith Who was visiting for a few days to help out with an upcoming mission, were all blissfully asleep. It had been a long day of training. So nobody stirred as a vent from the ceiling of each of their bedrooms quietly opened. A small round drone silently flew out of the vents and hovered above the sleeping paladins and alteans.

A nine-year-old boy with strawberry blonde messy hair, pale skin with freckled Rosie cheeks and mysterious Aqua green eyes. Stood outside in the center of the hallway. He was wearing a blade of marmora uniform, the hood and mask down.

He pressed an earpiece and muttered. "This is Lion blade, everything's in position."


meanwhile in the blades base~

A six-year-old girl with pale skin, dark violet eyes with the pupils being surrounded by a gold ring, messy Black hair the bangs gray and stars seeming to shine within, stood still in the nearly quiet base. Her purple wolf ears which faded into sober at the tips twitching slightly. The girl lets out a sigh of relief when she hears the boys voice.

She presses her own earpiece to respond, knowing that every blade member was knocked out cold. "G tech here, everything is as it should be. I've already set up the sleeping smoke. Proceed with area A, Area B has already been compromised.

Lion blade: "why are we doing this again?"

G tech: "because it's a lot more fun and remember when we took advice from Tracy..."

Lion blade: "yeah, we are never taking her advice ever again... Anyhow let's check on area C. I'll be teleporting team V to the library, over and out."

G tech: "read you loud and clear bro,Furry flame, how goes area C?"

Furry flame: everyone is accounted for. They are all here in the library. And why on earth are you using codenames and spy phrases... Wait don't tell me you've been watching..."

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