Digging an Embarrassed pidges grave a.k.a. ch 1

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Chapter 1: in which a plan goes terribly wrong. Ethel read aloud

"What, what plan?" Asked Lance

" oh man I already don't like the sound of this."  Said hunk nervously. "wait, will one of our missions Have one of us get captured? What's going to happen? Who's going to get captured?"

" let. Me. Read." Ethel deadpanned

Hunk nodded biting his nails. Ethel smirked as she read a few paragraphs down before speaking out loud.

Pidge was wondering how they ended up here. And by they she meant her and Keith. They were currently on a galra ship in a prison cell.

Pidge remembered the events that led up to this moment. They were sent on this mission to gather information about the empires next steps. Keith was on guard while pidge hacked into the system, but unfortunately this 'simple plan' as shiro likes to call it went down hill fast.

Pidge, hunk, Keith and lance silently agreed with that part. whenever shiro says that they're going on a simple mission it ends up in one way or another backfiring on them.

Krolia whipped her head around to stare at Shiro. "My son was captured by the empire!"

"Is going to be captured by the empire." Corrected Douxie

She nodded still glaring at shiro Who wilted slightly at the galra mothers furious glare. A few of the other mothers joined in as well.

" why am I not surprised that mullet and pigeon are going to be captured... Wait a minute why does Keith get to be captured with a girl!" Lance cried out throwing up his hands.

" you never even had a chance." Snickered Douxie

"Wanna bet!" Lance Challenged

Douxie was unfazed. "All right, Who here thinks that pidge likes Lance?"

No one was surprised when Lance shot his hand up along with hunk, allura, shiro, lances mom and dad, hunks Parents and Matt.

" Matt! Why did you choose Lance!" Pidge cried angry at her older brother

" sorry sis,"Matt apologized. "But I just rather have a flirt in the family, then a Guy with anger issues, no offense Keith."

The red paladin just shrugged.

Douxie and Ethel smirked at one another. "And everybody else, do you think she'd fall for..." The nine-year-old had a devilish smirk on his face as he rubbed his hands together. "... Oh I don't know... Keith!"

Lance and Matt snorted along with a few others, but nonetheless everyone else voted for Keith. This included coran, The blades, Veronica and Keith's mom. The holts, pidge and Keith didn't vote. The red and green paladin faces were bright red and they were not making any eye Contact or even looking in each others general direction.

" Great,"  grumbled Ethel "losers have to give the winners 200 bucks, deal?"

"Deal!" Everybody exclaimed and Ethel went back to reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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