Chapter Ten

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     "Korra." I whined. We were back at the temple in her room. We had been growing very close so

     "What Eva." She said her hair was down and wet as she looked in her mirror combing her hair. I was laid in her bed in nothing but the blanket. No we didn't do anything I just want a reason for her to cuddle me.

    "Hurry up." She chuckled and sat in her pjs. I sat up dropping the blanket and warming myself up. I watch as her eyes widen at my bare body. I slowly crawl towards her.

     "Eva." She moans softly as I kiss her neck. I gently lick my tongue up to her ear and then moved in front of her climbing on her lap. "You're a tease." I smiled and then kissed her softly. I felt her hands explore my body slowly.

     "I want you." I whispered pulling her shirt off. "So bad." She smiled and stood up holding me close before laying me on the bed. Her eyes explored my body and I grew impatient and began touching myself. Her eyes widened at the moans as her cheeks tinted pink.

       "Eva," she moved my hands above my head and began kissing me hard and passionately. I whined slightly as her spare hand danced along my body. Her fingers left burning trails of need in their absence. "You're so perfect." She whispered. I blushed and nudged my hips up.

     She lowered herself down to my core and gently flicked her tongue across me. I moaned loudly at the sensation and met her eyes as she ate.

     As she brought me closer and closer to an orgasm I felt her fingers slip in, a loud strangled moan left my mouth as she pumped them in and out of me I saw her eyes began to glow right before mine did and she sucked every last drop out of me. She is definitely the guy in this relationship.

    *lemon over."

    "I love you." I whispered as she hovered over me. She smiled and kissed me. I could taste myself on her lips as we kissed, our tongues explored each other's mouths and honestly. I would've ate me to.

     *two days later*

     We were outside at Air Temple Island, as four figures go out of screen, to reappear again up close. All on air scooters, Ikki is the first to come into view, with Korra trailing close behind her, followed by Jinora and Meelo. They take a turn, heading toward the buildings.

    I see Pema walking, holding Rohan and some groceries. The other four zoom past her, nearly knocking her over. Startled, she throws the vegetables in the air, as she spins in between the racers. When they are gone, she manages to catch the food again, and stares after the foursome in surprise. I giggle and ran over to help her.

    I turn back to see Korra and Ikki, the latter still in the lead, confidently smiling in challenge toward the Avatar. I smile as Korra's eyes begin to glow when she enters the Avatar state. Korra speeds underneath a paifang gate, and is flagged the winner. My eyes follow Korra as she comes to a stop and leaps off her air scooter, remaining on her haunches.

"The Avatar is the winner!" I carry in the groceries then run over to my girlfriend as her glowing ceases and I kiss her softly. She smiles as I pull away. She turns to her right, her hands propped on her hips, and smugly towers over a raging Ikki.

"No fair! You can't go into the Avatar State to win!" Korra sticks her tongue out at Ikki, blowing a raspberry. Tenzin approaches.

"You did what!?" Tenzin saiid walking past Laytonce toward Korra. "The Avatar State is not to be used as a booster rocket! You are toying with a dangerous power that you obviously do not appreciate!"

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