Chapter Twenty

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    "I can't believe the Earth Queen is conscripting airbenders." Tension said. I simply made a face. Why couldn't I find out where they were?

"Those people should not be forced to join an army!"

"Well, technically, the Earth Queen has a right to conscript her citizens. What? It's true." I glared at Laytonce and waved my hand at him.

"Guys, what if Kai was spotted airbending? He might have been taken too."

"Probably not. He's surprisingly difficult to catch, like a— like a little, greased hog-monkey." I snorted.

"But, what if he was?"

"Don't worry, Jinora. We'll find him. We just need to figure out where to look."

"I bet they're under Lake Laogai. What? I've been reading some of Jinora's books. The old Dai Li agents used to have a secret fortress beneath the lake." Mako said. I sighed and hid my face.

"Mako's right! It's the perfect spot to hide airbenders, and I know how to check it out without being caught. I can project my spirit into it!"

     "That place was destroyed though. Eve and Aang found it destroyed. I don't think they would've rebuilt it."

"You mean that out-of-body thing you did to help giant, spirity Korra?"

"You can still do that?!"

"It's not as powerful as it was during Harmonic Convergence, but if I can get close enough, I think I can do it."

"Let's go get Kai out. Let's get all the airbenders out."

      Soon Oogi approaches Lake Laogai, then to an island in the middle of the lake, where Jinora is in a meditative stance. I simply slid off my  shoes and used earth bending to scan the ground. I made a face sighing.

       "Jinora, no need they aren't there." I turned.

"They're not down there?!"

"Jinora, you've read all about Ba Sing Se. Can you think of any other places the airbenders might be?"

"I guess they could be in the catacombs beneath the Upper Ring, or the ancient sewers beneath the Lower Ring, or the maze of tunnels that connect the rings together, or they could be—"

"There are just too many places. There has to be another way to locate them."

"Maybe there is. How did you find me during Harmonic Convergence?"

"I don't know. I just kind of focused on your energy. I think our spiritual connection led me to you."

"Maybe you can find Kai the same way. I know you two have a connection." I said leaning against Korra.

"What do you mean "a connection"?"

"I don't know. Let me try." Jinora begins to meditate. A few moments pass when she suddenly opens her eyes. "The Earth Queen's Temple!"

        *time skip*

"I can't believe Miss Queeny Smug Face had them right under our noses the whole time!" Korra said pulling me to her. I stiffened slightly

"We have to get those airbenders out."

"All right. We go in under the cover of darkness: two small insertion teams and a third on the outside. Then all we'll need is twelve tons of blasting jelly, a medium-sized bulldozer and ... does anyone have a badgermole that knows Morse code?" Tension sighs and I yawns. There is a knock at the door.

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