Chapter 7

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Lucifers P.O.V

Me, Elijah and Klaus enter the Mikaelson coupond to find Marcel surrounded by a group of vamipres. Klaus speed behind one and snaps his neck. All the eyes are on us. With a quick scan of the room I notice that all the male minions are staring at me. I know that look too well. They find me as a fun for a night, but I make the rules here. I decide when I want to have fun and until Hayley is safe I am in a mood for killing some dumbass vampires.

     -"Good evening. I would like a word." Klaus interrupts my thoughts.

   I guess Elijah noticed the looks I am recivieng because he puts an arm around my waist and pulls me a bit closer. Oh, right they do not know that I can kill them in a blink of eye and they would like to keep it that way. I look at him and his eyes are practicly yelling at me to stay in position for everything that might happen.

     -"What do you think you are doing?" Marcel makes his way trough the crowd.

     -"It appears that we have interrupted a colection of filthy amateurs! We have come here for the girl. Give it to us, or we kill everyone here... Starting with you." Elijah threats.

     -"You three got a lot of nerve coming into my home and start making demands." Marcel cross his arms.

     -"Your home, is it?" I ask. A mischevious smirks appears on my face and I pull away from Elijah and make my way in front of him. "The girl, I will not ask nicely again!"

     -"I assume you are talking about Hayley? Yay high, dark hair, bitchy attitude? Who is she anyway?" He questions and I am about to burst out in anger, but Klaus is here and puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

     -"She is an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends."Klaus shruggs and I am just a thought away to break his arms.

     -"Well, I aint got her. And before you start whining, and Lucifer sends me to her home, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic, so I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave.  And , imagine my surprise when I realise that the Original family had taken up residence." Marcel explaines. "Your girl Hayley answerd the door, we exchaged hellos, that was it." I look at him and raise my eyebrow. "You dont believe me? Look around. Hell, I will even help you find her. But the question that I would ask is: If Hayley is not here, then where is she?"


     -"Not the most attractive comunity, are they?" Elijah asks me and Klaus. We are in the countryard and some of Marcels vampires are walking around us.

     -"You do realise they can hear you?" Klaus reminds.

     -"You do realise I do not care." Elijah shurggs and I give him a half smile.

     -"You know, Elijah, I liked you better in that box" Marcel walks in and I am about to start making his blood boil, but Klaus, of course, shots me a look that says "We still need him, little devil" and I roll my eyes. "But Klaus, my sire, I owe you the world and I always show respect to my elders. If your special lady friend is missing, you could benefit from the help of a witch. And, since I control all the witches in this town, I will grant you one little locator spell. Sabine is the best guide in the Quarter. Need to find someone? I guarantee, she is your girl."

     -"And where are you going?" Klaus stands up.

     -"I hate to cut this short, but the sun is coming up soon. My nightwalkers need to get inside, and I have got a city to run. I leave to track down your lost sheep."

     -"Can you find her?" Elijah looks at Sabine.

     -"I can try" Sabine shruggs.


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