The Truth

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Next day

I walked through. Vinny said Kylie has her first rumor. I said what is it? Vinny said that you're dating Chris. I said where'd they get that? Ricky said you're the only girl in the band. So it was bound to happen. I said I'm not into Chris like that though. I do have a thing for Spencer though. Ryan said oh really? I said yeah, fun fact I've only legitimately dated 1 man. Chris said excuse me, how? Ricky said yeah how? You've been clarified as the hottest member of the band. I said I have a pretty big secret that tends to freak out everyone I have a shot with. Chris said you wanna go ahead and tell us so we don't complicate things later on. I said are you sure you wanna know? We just met. Ricky said yeah. I said alright then, you have to promise you won't freak out. Chris said we promise. I said I'm a hybrid. Vinny said a what? I said a hybrid. I'm a vampire and a werewolf. They looked at me weird. I said you're not screaming. Chris said don't take this the wrong way. But I'd kinda like to see some proof. I took off my ring and stuck my hand in the sunlight. I jerked it away and said owe. Chris oh my god that's so cool. Vinny said I have so many questions. I put my ring back on and said y'all don't wanna kick me out? Ryan said this is the coolest thing ever. I laughed and said usually people tell me to get out. Ricky said have you not met us? We love anything that's dark and scary. Vinny said do you feel pain? I said yes. Vinny said do you actually drink blood? I said yes, but I keep blood bags in my suitcase and in this thermos. Ryan said how long have you been like this? I said 556 years. Chris said well I'm not the oldest member anymore. I laughed and said I know. If y'all tell anybody I will hurt you. Ricky said like anybody would believe us anyways. Chris said oh yeah Kylie's a vampire. We can't even prove it without you doing something. Ryan said yeah so you're all good. I said alright, I was so worried that y'all would freak out. Chris said so what's with the ring? I said it's what allows me to walk in the sun, take pictures and look in a mirror. Without it I'm basically dead. Ricky said well super glue that shit. I laughed and said don't worry it barley comes off my finger. You seen me struggling to get it off. Ryan said we have so many questions. Well at least I do. I said go ahead. Ryan said how did this happen to you? I was cursed. A guy I was dating his mom was a witch and she hated me for some reason. So when he told her he was in love with me. She cursed me to be a hybrid and made me immortal. So you literally cannot kill me. Chris said do you actually not have a pulse? I sat beside him moved my hair and tilted my head. He checked it. Vinny laughed and said his face. Chris said that's so weird. I moved and laughed. I said you asked. Chris said I thought you were joking. I said nope I'm as dead as Marilyn Monroe. Which by the way she's really cool. Plus she's so pretty. Ricky said you've met Marilyn. I said yeah, I've hung out with her a few times back before she died. If you ever see someone with this ring it means they're either a vampire or werewolf. Ricky said why not a hybrid? I said because I'm the only hybrid to ever exist and the witch who knew the spell died. So yeah I'm the only one to ever exist. Ryan said really? I said yeah. Vinny said so it's only a supernatural thing? I said yeah, I don't think there's any replicas of it. Any other questions. Ryan said I'm sure we'll think of some. I said alright well if you think of anything I don't mind answering them. Chris said alright. I got up and went to the bathroom....

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