Chapter 1

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Isabel's POV

Every summer it's the same thing. I go the same week, to the same camp, with the same people every year. Honestly, That's my favorite part. No matter what else is going on around me, or what crappy things are happening at school, I always know I have camp to look forward to as being just how it was when I left last summer.

I know there's still 3 days left, but I'm already at my maximum excitement level, which i'll stay at for the rest of the summer. Because i'm 14 and turning 15 this summer I know I don't have many more years left where i'll be able to be a camper but I try to let that slip my mind as the years go by. "Isabel it's time for dinner!" my mom calls. I run downstairs realizing that i'm actually starving. "Are you getting your things packed," she asks me.

"Uhhh..oh yeah.. Well I have everything packed except for the clothes. Those are the hardest part," I say.

"Okay but you need to hurry up, Jazz is flying in tomorrow morning and if you want to spend some time together before camp then you need to be packed. We leave Sunday morning," mom says.

Jazz is my best friend. She comes with me every year to camp but for the last 2 she's been living in Milwaukee with her dad. She still manages to fly in though so we can go together. It's Friday night and she is coming in the morning so I decide I better finish packing. I'm bringing the essentials but of course I also have my own essentials, not limited to but including 7 different colored bandannas, A Nikon camera, My cell phone (along with my 764 songs on it), ear buds and charger, 4 books, and My journal which has everything that's happened to me in the last year in it. By the time I get all 5 weeks worth of outfits packed, it's 11:00pm and I decide I better get some sleep!

Hayes POV

"I can't believe she's making me go!" I say to my brother Nash as I shove piles of clothes into a suitcase.

"Dude you know it's only for 5 weeks right? Your summer will still be on track when you get home, plus why would you want to be home if i'm not even going to be here?" He says in a "full-of-himself" tone.

"It's not that I wanna be here it's just that...I don't wanna be there," I say.

It's my first week of summer vacation and my mom is forcing me to go to some stupid summer camp. I should be going to the North Carolina state motocross competition, going on my wake board, and hanging with my friends this summer. Not going to an overnight summer camp in a different state! I wouldn't even mind so much if I was going with the dudes or only going to be there for a week, but this is 5 weeks, in Ohio. Ohio! I've been there once or twice with Nash for magcon but there's nothing there besides corn fields and cows. The whole reason mom is making me go is because her friend who lives there said her son used to go every year and it was the "best week of his life" at least according to his mom. She says I need to meet new people who aren't just "stars" I have my own friends it's just that Nash's friends are fun to hang with to. She wouldn't even let me bring one of my own friends. This is totally going to be the worst summer ever.

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