Late Night Conversations With Makoto And Kyoko (Naegiri Chapter)

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LuckBoi: Does anyone else wonder if cars get tired after going up inclines?

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RamenNMysteries: Ok, first of all hello, second of all, Makoto, it's 4 in the morning go to sleep

LuckBoi: Hi

LuckBoi: Yeahhh I can't sleep

RamenNMysteries: Makes sense

LuckBoi: Hbu? what's keeping you up?

RamenNMysteries: Oh, I just got done with an investigation

LuckBoi: Ah makes sense

LuckBoi: Well aren't you gonna sleep? you must be tired

RamenNMysteries: Well, I was but I wanted to just talk together

LuckBoi: Alright then!

LuckBoi: What do you wanna talk about?

RamenNMysteries: As long as it's with you, anything is fine

LuckBoi: ^^

LuckBoi: Oh yeah! about your investigation

LuckBoi: Was it really until that late in the night?

RamenNMysteries: Yeah, it was like, 8 hours long if I remember correctly

LuckBoi: Wow, that's a lot

RamenNMysteries: Yeah, but you got to do what you gotta do, I guess

LuckBoi: Yep

LuckBoi: I wasn't there to see it but im sure you did great

RamenNMysteries: Oh, thank you

LuckBoi: Np

LuckBoi: But can you promise me something?

RamenNMysteries: Sure, what is it?

LuckBoi: Please don't overwork yourself

LuckBoi: I care about you y'know

RamenNMysteries: Makoto...

RamenNMysteries: Ok, I'll try

LuckBoi: ^^

LuckBoi: Thank you

RamenNMysteries: No problem

RamenNMysteries: I mean if it's from you, I really can't say no

LuckBoi: Oh? so you can't say no to me?

LuckBoi: Lol kidding kidding

RamenNMysteries: Haha

RamenNMysteries: I know you said that you were joking but honestly no, can't

LuckBoi: Honestly same tbh

RamenNMysteries: I guess the feelings are mutual then

LuckBoi: Seems like it lol

RamenNMysteries: Oh, I just realized, this entire time we've just been kind of talking about me

RamenNMysteries: What's going on for you?

LuckBoi: Nothing really just the same old

RamenNMysteries: I see

RamenNMysteries: Are you free this weekend?

LuckBoi: Yeah i am why?

RamenNMysteries: I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go somewhere? Just the two of us

LuckBoi: Yeah of course!

RamenNMysteries: Alright then

RamenNMysteries: Oh, sorry to cut this short but I'm really tired and kind of struggling to keep my eyes open at the moment

LuckBoi: It's fine! take a rest you deserve it

RamenNMysteries: Thank you, Makoto

RamenNMysteries: Well, I'll be taking my leave now

LuckBoi: Wait!

RamenNMysteries: Yes?

LuckBoi: Love you ❤️️

RamenNMysteries: Love you too, Makoto <3 

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Andd the 3rd chapter is done, I honestly wanted to make a Naegiri chapter for this as Naegiri is actually my OTP, but anyways that's all I have to say for now, see you in the next chapter

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