21 The Woods

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Chapter Twenty One

The Woods

It was her mothers’ words that gave her the courage to finally jump to the other side. As Sarah turned to look at her family she saw the most extraordinary thing; life on the other side in fast-forward. Day and night passed so fast to her that if she would miss it if she blinked.

She saw her parents come back several times. Everything was going so quickly, she barely noticed how old they were getting. Then, Sarah saw her brother with his wife standing in front of the fence. They had their child in his arms. Again they appeared with twins girls. Briefly she saw her brother slide a note through the bottom of the fence. Sarah reached down and picked it up. The note read,

Friday, April 27, 2026.

Sarah, I don’t know if you can see me right now. I am married and have three kids with a fourth on the way. Mom and Dad died in a car crash together last month, I thought you should know that. I won’t be coming back to this spot anymore because I have my hands full with my job and family. I hope you understand. Please don’t be mad at me. I love you and I always will.


She knew she didn’t have much time. Quickly she grabbed a pad of paper and pen. Then she wrote:

Jeremy, I still think about everyone and love you bunches. Congratulations on the family. I said you could do it. This is the last time I will be able to communicate until I return. Sorry about mom and dad. I still love them. I could never hate you for anything. You are my brother, and you always will be. It still feels like 2018 to me. It’s weird. Always remember, I will return one day. I promise that. I love you always,


She folded the note into a paper airplane and wrote the address of the Blackstone house on the left wing. Then, she climbed the fence, gave it a kiss, and sent it over the air currents. She prayed and watched it float in the direction of her home.

After climbing down, she decided to find the spot from her dream. She picked up her bag, and followed, in the direction, that her body had kept urging her to go. It was like some invisible force was guiding her. Soon, she found herself standing in the same familiar mossy clearing.

Becoming aware of the fact, she hadn’t slept well in a Strangely she felt completely safe. With no one around, she couldn’t resist the opportunity to take a snooze. As she lay, there relaxing in the sun, she began to forget about the world around her. It was like being on vacation, and not having any rules. Sarah fell asleep quite easily and dreamed of nothing for the first time in her life. When she woke up, she suddenly realized, that a man had been standing nearby watching her. It took her a few seconds before she recognized who he was.

“Hello, Sarah.” He said.

“Hello, Christopher. How long have you been there?” she asked.

“I’ve been here for a while, just watching you sleep. I must say, you are more beautiful in person.” He said smiling, as he helped her to her feet.

“So, what is this place anyway?”

“The ancient ones call it the dead woods.”

“Why such a dreadful name?”

“It’s actually very complicated and hard to explain.”

“Ok, but why is there such a drastic time laps from these woods and the rest of the world?”

“The woods seem to age outsiders at its own pace, and no one knows what controls it. Sarah, this is a magical place. You will soon understand, but right now, the Headmaster is eager to meet you. He’s been anticipating your arrival for eons.” He told her.

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