Gingerbread Oreos

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Heyyyyy okay so I'm just gonna start writing at the ball. Just assume everyone's doin great and got there okay cuz I don't feel like writing. I'll go back and write it later. okay ENJOY lol. Also, gingerbread Oreos are pretty good. I'm eating them right now. Xo jas. (Atlas is basically a self insert)

Nova, Maggie, Danna, Narcissa, and Ruby were already sitting at a table when Adrian, Max, Jade, Sterling, and Oscar arrived.

"Holy smokes." Oscar gaped as he took in Ruby's dress.

"I know right?" A person behind a podium spoke up.

"I mean- I'm sorry-. Hey guys! My name is Atlas! Food is served at 6:30 and the dancing ends at 2am. I have a feeling you already know that, but I'm being paid to tell everyone as I greet them," A very short person who looked around sixteen years old greeted them. They had a plate of gingerbread Oreos on the podium.

Adrian recognized them as a former non-prodigy who worked at HQ before the second Battle for Gatlon. Of course, they had to have powers now, because everyone did. Their powers were to summon food out of thin air.

Atlas was wearing a beautiful green dress with a long train that trailed behind her. Their waist-length brown hair was straightened and down. She wore almost no makeup, with the exception of mascara and red lipstick.

They summoned up another Oreo.

"Okay you're free to have fun now. Bye!"

The boys walked over to where the girls were sitting.

Oscar kissed Ruby in greeting.

Adrian kissed Nova in greeting.

Jade, Sterling, and Max waved hi to Maggie.

She waved back.

They all sat down around a big table.

The next 30 minutes were filled with lively conversation. Even Maggie and Nova were on sort of friendly terms.

"Awe you guys look so cute! Can I take a picture of Magpie and Insomnia?" Atlas, the person from earlier came up to the table. She said "Insomnia" in an awed tone. Adrian thinks that they have a little crush on Nova. (I do)

"Uh yeah sure!" Nova replied.

Atlas took two Polaroid pictures and they developed rather quickly. She gave each to Maggie and Nova.

"For you to keep." She winked and walked away.

Danna and Narcissa were having their own conversation at the end of the table.

"She's pretty cute, don't you think?" Nova said after Atlas left.

"Nova!" Adrian exclaimed.

"Stars, Adrian I'm just saying that she seems nice." Nova laughed. "Ruby?"

Ruby laughed. "Yeah they're adorable."

"Sweet rot, Ruby. I'm gonna go get some food. It is 6:30 now" Oscar said.

They all got up to get some food from the tables. There were endless options on what to put on their plates, thanks to Atlas. She was basically single-handedly carrying the food for this ball. When they came back to the table, they devoured the food.

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