Goofy MalexFlat female reader

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This is honestly a comfort chapter for me personally. HOWEVER I wanted to post it in case anyone had a similar issue. I hope you like it 💜.

It happened again. You had just bought an outfit. The image that had formed in your head had contorted your body into something abnormal however you didn't see it as such. You truly believed that this crop top would somehow accentuate your woman-like features. Of course it did but not in the way you had planned.

Currently you were sitting in the mall chin propped up against your elbow staring off across the building. You hadn't exactly processed that you were staring off at nothing. For all you knew everyone thought you had faded away into some kind of coma.

"Thinking of something dirty?" You blinked your bright (E/C) eyes turning to the boy sitting cross legged beside you.

"Yeah, right." You scoffed letting out a breathy chuckle. He continued to eye you curiously.

"Then why are your eyebrows doing... the thing?" Your eyes narrowed at his comment.

"What thing? I didn't know my eyebrows did a thing." You retorted gifting him with an eye roll.

"When you're mad or thinking really hard your eyebrows sink down a lot." He stated haughtily his (c/e/c) eye's sparkling.

"I'm just hot.." You confessed. Partially at least.

"That's not cocky at all." He mused bumping you lightly with his elbow. You continued to glare back at him.

"I meant warm. Not hot like sexy." You grunted tucking a strand of (H/C) hair behind your ear.

"Then take off your jacket, grumpy lady."

"I can't." You growled hugging yourself tight. You didn't have much else to wear and the crop top that reminded you of your 'natural' shape.

"Why- oh you're naked under that-"

"Don't say it like that," You snorted finally letting out a laugh. "No, I just have a crop top on."

"Let's see it, come on!" The boy cheered.

"(C/N shut up!" You watched the goofy light in his (c/e/c) eyes die out. He was watching you with quiet concern. You turned away wishing that you hadn't snapped at the boy.

"Hey," he kneeled down attempting to recapture your attention. "Do you not like how it fits you?" You'd almost forgotten how well the goofball could see through you. For a moment you just stared at him with eyes full of shock.

"Yeah.." you sniffed beginning to look around as people began to pass. "I'm built like a square."

"Look at me." The boys hand poked at your own. You eyed your hand curiously exposing your palm. He began to trace along the lines of your hand however his gaze was still fixated on you.

"What are you doing?" You asked with a croak.

"We're playing Pictionary." He replied.

"We have no paper."

"We're using your hand weirdo," he chuckled rolling his eyes. "What's this?"

"A square!" You said quickly.

"Yes, good job," You felt oddly proud of being able to guess the 'drawing' correctly. "And what are these part of the squares called?" You felt him began to trace half of a square.

"Uhh umm ankle! I mean angle!" You blushed realizing your mess up in words.

"What degree?" He continued.

"90?" You squeaked tilting your head.

"You have four ninety degree angles present on your body. That means that you're 4 times hotter then the average human." You both stared silently at each other. You were still processing what words had just come out of his mouth.

"You're so dumb!"

"If I'm dumb then why couldn't you figure that math out! I'm pretty sure I'm a genius." You had begun to laugh at the joke. Not really because the joke itself was funny but the effort the boy had put into making you smile was amusing and oddly flattering.

"Ok, fine genius. Now where's your mom?"

"Shes pulling up," He mused. "You should call me a genius more often."


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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