Chapter 1

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Mom was on her way and we knew it. I knew we won't going to have time so I did it, even after Ray told me not to, I did it.

I ran through the trees back the way we came. "Emma!" Ray screamed at me "What are you doing!" He kept yelling though I wasn't listening.

"You're not gonna make it back in time lets just go!" But I kept running I needed to buy them as much time as possible.

I can't let my family die. Mom didn't take as long as we plan she would keeping the younger kids safe.

I was in a full sprint when I heard her running from afar. I stop and slow down. I wasn't as far from the wall as I hoped but far enough if I were to stop her for a few minutes to get them to the landing spot as we planned and I should be able to join them if I confuse mom or at least I hoped. I stop my sprint into a slow run as I ran to the sound of mom running. Before I knew it I found her.

"Emma!" She said out of breathing. "Where are the rest of your siblings?" She questioned me knowing I wasn't going to answer.

I looked her in the eyes in silence. She moved forward trying to pass me but I wasn't going to let her. She knew I wasn't going to let her pass and I think she knew they were going to be long gone if she didn't hurry up.

"Emma if you don't let me through I will force you out of my way! " I run up and hug her hoping she won't do to me what she did with Ray.

But then she threw me on the ground and I knew I have to do something if I stop now they won't make it but if I do this I might not make it. "Wait!" I yelled.

"Will you let them go if I agree to be a mother?" I questioned her. I know she needs me. I'm her successor, without me she would have no new mom for the demons.

"I never thought you would give up the chance to escape to give up your life for your family's lives. " She pauses for a second while I get off the ground.

"They must not be far if you came running all this way. Are you sure you want to be a mother Emma?" She asked as calmly as ever.

"If it means my family can escape then yes."  I answer.

No matter what they need to escape "Then come with me. I have to make sure they at least get a crossed safely." She tells me as she walks to the wall and I follow.

"You see Emma being a mom might be a great thing for you." She tells me but I keep quiet.

What are they going to think of mean knowing I gave up my chance to escape for them. It's like Ray trying to take his life for us to escape. I'm just as bad...

We climb the wall and dash our way to the landing spot which mom somehow already knew about. The lines were still there but everyone was down below.

"Emma!" They yelled, "You have to come with us!" Yelled Anna.

But as soon as they saw mom they realized I wasn't coming with and then Don cut the ropes. I watch as my siblings look at me traumatized.

"Emma I told me not to go!" Ray yelled at me with anger but terrified in his eyes. I know he already lost Norman and now me how could I be so cruel.

But instead of yelling back I just smiled a regretting but happy smile to him as the kids started running into the woods. If they stayed much longer they could be caught. I look at mom as she let her hair out of her bun and look at me.

"Was it worth it?" She asked me as I responded with "Of course." I turned and walked back.

When we returned Phil look scared, pale almost. Scared of why I stayed when everyone else left. He knew everything and yet tried to be happy to see me even if he was crying inside.

"Emma!" All the younger kids yell and ran up to hug me "Where's Ray?" "Where's Don?" So many questions but I just hugged them and helped mom warm them up as they lay down on the ground with a blanket to sleep.

"You didn't have to do that Emma." Mom lets me know. "I know but I felt it was the best way," I replie watching Phil sleep on my lap. "Even though you cut your ear off." It touches my ear remember why I cut it off in the first place.

"I hope so," I whisper be for becoming sleepy myself. "You should sleep everyone will be moved tomorrow into another house including you though your shipment is in two months." She explains.

"I expected that even if I get shipped I would just become a mom anyway and everyone will be shipped for food after like Norman, Conny, and everyone else." I say, " How bout I tell you more tomorrow before you fall asleep on me. Sleep well you going to need it." She explains as my eyes close and I drift away to sleep.

Wow that was long I'm almost to 1,000 words. I hope you guys enjoy my book as I hope to keep updating this one unlike my last one as I got a big writer's block for that one at the moment. I plan to update every week or so but with my school being virtual until the end of the trimester it might be hard. Stay safe.

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