Chapter 2

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The day after the 14 kids escaped leaving the younger kids behind planning to come but for them before they were to be shipped and fead to the demons running the farm. Emma chose to stay behind, even after knowing it wasn't worth it. She did it for her family to keep them safe, even if it cost her, her life.

"Emma! Emma!" I woke to the sound of the younger children yelling my name to wake up. Tiredly I manage to open my eyes and look around at the children playing in the forest and climbing on my lap. "Oh good morning everyone!" I answer looking over to the home we spent our whole life's in burned to the ground, but then someone got my attention beside it. "Mom..." She looks cold as if this place ment nothing to her. I continue to stare at her until my mind started to drift away from me...

"Ray..." I mumble as I look around a dark room with little light. "Norman!" I yell "Ray!" I yell hoping to get a response from one of my closest friends... But all I got was silence. The room had a large gate at the end so I decided to walk to it maybe it'll have some answers. I make my way there until I saw Ray, Norman, and the rest of my family dead on the ground with the same flower Conny had in her heart sticking out of theirs. My eyes start welding with tears. "No!" I yell and everything became dark...

" Emma!" Someone shakes my shoulder and my eyes open wide as I look over to see mom. "You're finally awake." She starts. "You were so reckless I thought you were being harmed." She pauses and looks down at me as I stand up to face her." Would you like to continue our conversation from last night now?" She asks before walking to the other side of the forest. "Wait," I mumble which she must not have heard so I decided to follow.

I follow her as we're side by side. "Emma..." She began "You were smart staying because everyone is going to die out there." I stopped in my tracks. There's no way! We trained so hard, we did so much how... How... "Emma!" Mom snapped at me I quickly lookup, she was aways ahead so I quickly caught up to her "There... Now pay attention, Emma... Your siblings aren't going to make it far or anywhere at all if-" before she could finish that sentence I interrupted "No!"  yelled "There's no way! We train... We trained so hard..." I tried to finish my sentence but I collapsed to the ground. "Let me finish Emma. Norman is still alive." I stop and think about those words. What? How? There's no way... I thought he got shipped out... How? "I know what you think but yes he did get shipped out but not harvested. He is perfect for what they needed. To test him every day as if he was to be a mother. He's smart, the smartest I've ever raised. If you become a mother Emma, you can see him once again." She stopped for a second and looked at me as I laid eyes open looking at her. "You must be happy knowing he's alive." She pauses before walking again. "So if I become a mother I can see Norman again?" I question as I slowly walk to her. "Yes, I can take you to him after your training is over." I look at her "What do you mean by training?" I question. "You must train to be a mother, I was lucky and good at everything needed to be a mother. I became a mother at 19 youngest to become a mother yet." She finishes and I remember what sister Krona said about mom being the youngest mom yet. "Krona told you about me being the youngest mom huh?" She questions and I nod as a response. "Well, Emma you will have to wait a few months once you and your siblings get moved to a new house you will be 'shipped' 2 months after a young average boy." She tells me. Then she turns back and I follow. "We must make sure your siblings didn't wander off and head to your new home." She smiles.

"Mom! Emma! Your back!" the younger kids yell as they come up for a hug. "Hi, guys I answer with a smile trying to act as if nothing happened. "Follow me everyone my friend runs another orphanage I'll bring you guys to it okay?" Everyone smiles as they follow mom to the gate. "Emma..." A voice behind me said I look down to see Phil with a concerned face. "It'll be okay Phil we're going to another house but that doesn't mean we won't get shipped out just act happy like the Phil everyone loves okay?" He looks at me than the ground. "Okay, thanks Emma" I smile and grab his hand as we walk back to the group.

I think I'll leave it here I hope you guys like this fanfiction. I plan to write every idea I have down so I don't get writer's block as easily. I hope you all also excited for season 2 I'm excited to see what Yuugo looks like and sounds like. Again stay safe everyone.

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