if only.

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this will be on natsu's point of view.


How many years was it again? Ah yes, it's been 57 years already. 57 years of heartbreak and mourning. 57 years of suffering. 57 long years I've waited for my end. I've been living for too long, it's time for me to go and live my life on the other side. Regret and dread flooded my being to it's very core, why you ask? Because what I did before when I had the chance, that very chance that can change my life a lot— I goddamned wasted it to the bits. I hated the fact that I was so damned dumb in those years, this regret- this regret will follow me even to the other side.

You may be curious where I am now and how old I am, yeah? I am currently at the home for the aged and I am already 80 years old. I have no kids, no wife, no more relatives and some of my friends has already passed away. All throughout my life, I haven't felt what love is like, not the platonic type. The one that makes you do crazy impossible things— well that was before I met her, my angel. Lucy Heartfilia.

Let's go back to those times where I was 23 and she was 21, those times where I was naive and my mind wasn't ripe unlike my age.


"Aren't you gonna come down from there and eat these sandwiches?" It was me who said that to the lady sitting down on a tree branch, she just climbed the huge thing a while ago. She was a carefree soul, so adventurous and wild. One reason I adore her so much- but those were also one of the things I realized when everything was all too late. Her angelic smile immediately ran over her lips and shaked her head no, I overjoyed and ate the treat in an instant. I was a glutton, yes, but Lucy never said anything about it. She'd let me be and let me eat all until my stomach would burst, not literally though. She is someone who doesn't force you to be someone else. And someone I loved.

Right after I devoured the sandwiches that she brought for our picnic, I took the water bottle and guzzled it's content to half. Ah, what a peaceful day it is. Soft crumpling of dead leaves perked my ears and I turn my head to the source only to welcome my vision of Lucy twirling and playing around the autumn leaves. I would be lying if I said I wasn't blushing but I quickly hid it away, she'd definitely tease me about it.

"It's nice out here don't you think?" She chirped and crouched next to me, I nodded but didn't utter a word, afraid that my voice would come out croaked. "I wish we could stay like this forever" then Lucy leaned down to my shoulder, resting her head against it. Then there was silence- I couldn't pinpoint the meaning of what she said. A soft breath escaped from my mouth and stared up at the sky, it was cloudy and I knew then it will start snowing soon.

"Lucy? We should get going before the snow will start raining on our path" I inquired and slightly shaked her, I felt her nod and stood up and I did too. We gathered our things and started hiking back to our houses.

"We should hang out this Saturday!" I remark at the blonde maiden, she looked away with a short nod before turning her head back to face me again, cheeks red. She gave a bow and tackled me into a hug which I gladly returned. "Sure thing! I don't have anything else to do anyway!" She beamed and clapped her hands together. "Great! Then I'll see ya on Saturday!" I gave her a cheeky grin before leaning down and gave her head a soft kiss before turning my heels to go home. I don't know that had a big impact on her, it was really a habit of me to do that every time we part ways. As I said, I am a dumb man back then.

It was snowing outside, the tender cold caressed my skin as I continued on walking down a path towards Lucy's house. Every now and then, a snowflake would land on my nose and melted immediately, after few minutes of walking on the snow filled path I finally reaced a familiar door, I pressed the doorbell and almost instantly, Lucy opened the door and greeted me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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