Hard To Fall Asleep

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"Erwin I need a favor" Lavi said as he had just entered the shop seeing the male behind the counter arranging some papers.

"Goodmorning to you too" Erwin laughed a bit at the younger's energy. Levi wasn't a morning person and he usually didn't like to talk in the beginning of the day.

"What would you think if you were to hire somebody for cleaning?" he asked not even caring to say a goodmorning back.

"I mean you do the cleaning so why would I need someone else?" Erwin ignored the shorter's question.

"What if I asked you to hire somebody to clean?" Levi asked letting his backpack on the counter looking straight into Erwin's eyes.

"So you need a favor" Erwin finally understood where this was going.

"More or less" Levi said.

"Who are you trying to help?" Erwin knew that Levi wasn't usually like that, if he was asking for help it was probably for someone important in his life.

"My roommate who really needs a job at the moment" he said not one bit of shame as he spoke.

"Is he capable of cleaning though?" Erwin asked a bit unamazed from what he heard.

"Yes, he can do basic cleaning. And the salary doesn't need to be that much, we can just help him before he finds a good job" Levi added, he didn't want to pressure Erwin but he really wanted to help Eren for some unknown reason.

"Bring him tomorrow and he can stay for as long as he needs" Erwin said with a smile.

"Thanks I really own you a lot" Levi gave him a small smile something unusual for the shorter but he didn't complain.

The rest of the day went by quietly, it was nice. Not many people came in but the ones who did stayed for a couple hours, Levi pierced two people on this day after a long time and it improved his mood a bit.

He wasn't working till evening on weekends, so he was able to return to the dorm in the afternoon. He unlocked the door and was excited to tell Eren about the big news.

"Guess what?" Levi said as soon as he got in.

But no answer came back, Eren wasn't there which kind of disappointed Levi. He could call him and tell him that but he wanted to get the live reaction out of Eren.

So he waited patiently while drawing and doodling on his sketch book. Hours passed and the brunette still hadn't returned. Levi decided to go to sleep so he cleaned up before going to bed.

He layed on his bed and closed his eyes, still waiting for the other hoping that he would get to see him and tell him before morning, but that didn't happen because Levi fell asleep.

Eren returned some minutes later, he tried to be quiet because he knew that the boy would be asleep. It was already late. He unpacked his things and took off his clothes to change.

Looking around with only the moon lighting up the room he noticed something unusual. A sketch book was left on their desk, possibly Levi's. Levi was going to regret making this tiny mistake so much in the morning.

Eren out of curiosity opened it. He sat on the chair and flipped over the pages one by one, taking his time on each one of the sketches on every page. He was indeed in awe, Levi was very good at what he did. He had also seen his ex's tattoo which was made by the latter, amazing piece of art.

Sketches of places were mostly included in the book, but there where some attempts at making portraits and body shapes. He passed over a few more pages and stopped at one he never expected seeing.

A man sleeping, not just any man though. He could see himself, sleeping, at least that's how he was drawn on the paper. He wasn't feeling angry, he was having a weird feeling deep inside. He was thrilled with excitement, no one had ever done something like that for him. He wondered what was the shorter's intention while doing this.

Did he do it just for a grade, did he do it because he liked what he saw and wanted to capture it forever, Eren thought hard. Not that the drawing wasn't good, actually it was perfect.

Every single detail of Eren's sleeping fave was captured perfectly, his chest was bare and drawn amazingly good. The drawing almost seemed real, the only thing that kept it from it was the labret piercing that was drawn onto his lips. The only thing Eren was missing. Perhaps Levi thought that a labret piercing would look good on him and that's why he added it in the drawing.

He quickly closed the sketch book as he heard Levi turning on his side. He went to his bed and started thinking every possible reason why would the other make such a drawing.

Later on was when he eventually fell asleep after some hours of his brain not letting him rest because of the loud bumping inside his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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