Sander Sides Roleplay!

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Here's the page for Sander Sides! YOU MUST SIGN UP! These do not count as prompts, but this a group roleplay, so you can use the prompts without signing up. For the group one however, you must sign up!You can sign up on my page and comment which side you would like to be. NO OCs!!We will start once every spot is filled and i will announce on my page! If you want to do a ship you have to be 13-15! THIS ROLEPLAY IS FOR 11-16 years of age! If you want to do a sander sides roleplay but are older please do it not here!
Thank you!

Patton- Myself @Nerdysega

Roman- xerusslytherin


Virgil- Virgil_as_a_angel



Thomas- Kitkat_2007

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