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Caroline and I ride for Kings Landing, stopping at small inns, as to keep a low profile. Any time someone attempts to give us any trouble, she flashes her sword, and they back off. I'm impressed by her bravery. Not many women have the courage to stand up to men the way she does, to fight like she does. 

We ride, in warm summer weather, our coats packed into our bags due to the fact that we are now in the South. 

"You are a very interesting woman." I tell her, breaking our silence. We had run out of things to speak about after our first two weeks of riding, and had instead gone on in a comfortable silence. 

"Robb tells me that all the time." She laughs, a sad look passing over her face. 

"You must miss him." I note, glancing over to look at her. 

"I do." She looks down at her hands, gripping the reins of her horse. "I can't remember the last time we spent this much time apart."

I smile over at her, and she meets it with her own. "Why did you learn to fight the way you do?"

"The blacksmith taught me." Her face tells me she's hiding something. 

"Yes, but why did you learn?" I repeat. 

She remains silent for a while. "I trust you. I see you as a mother." Her expression hardens. "I have a secret. One that not many people know. If the wrong people learnt it, I would be endangered. It haunts me." 

"Does Robb know?" I ask. 

She nods. "As does Jon." 

I can't help the frown that crosses my face. "You are afraid to tell me."

"I am." She agrees, now staring straight ahead.


"Because." She sighs. "You are married to Ned. If Ned knew, he'd have to tell the King. And I'd be endangered."

"The King wants you dead." I note. "Why?"

"If I told you, would you feel inclined to tell your husband?"

"It depends." I hesitate, choosing my words carefully. "Should your secret risk harm to my son, I would." I look over at her. "I know how much you and Robb love each other. I don't think you'd endanger him." 

"He wouldn't be in danger if Robert Baratheon knew." She assurers me. "I would, as would any children we have. But not him." She shakes her head firmly. "I wouldn't endanger him."

"What is your name?" I ask. I am beginning to put the pieces together. Any children Caroline would have would carry her blood. 

"You didn't answer my question." She notes, smiling over at me. "And I asked first."

I laugh a little. "I won't tell Ned. I have an idea of what's going on, and if my inclination is true, he wouldn't be endangered." I stare at her firmly. "And I would do anything in my power to protect you, should anyone find out. As far as I'm concerned, you're a Stark." 

"My father changed our name to Valentine, after my grandfather fled North." She tells me. "His brother was Aerys Targaryen."

"Targaryen?" I ask in shock. "I thought maybe someone in your family had offended the King, or was one of his bastard sons, or-"

"Nope." She pops the p in the word. "My real name is Caroline Targaryen, and I carry the blood of Dragons." She glances sideways at me. "Does that change your mind about me?"

I think for a few moments. "No." I decide. 

"No?" She asks in surprise. 

"How would Robert ever find out?" I ask pointedly. "All of your brothers live in his castle."

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