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"The River Lords are falling back, with Jaime Lannister at their heels." Robb leans on our table, covered in maps and intricately designed pieces symbolizing different armies. 

I examine the map. "Lord Tywin is bringing a second Lannister army from the South." 

"Our scouts confirm it's even larger than the Kingslayer's." Robb finishes my thought. 

"One army or two, the Kings in the North threw back hosts ten times as large." Lord Umber tells us. 

I don't say anything, but his way of thinking is dangerous. We can't get cocky. 

Umber looks up, past my shoulder, and stands up quickly. 

The rerst uf us turn to see what he's looking at, and see Cat approaching. 

Robb grins widely. "Mother!" 

I smile too, but it fades quickly when I see the expression on her face. 

"You look well." She tells us nervously. 

"Lady Catelyn," Lord Umber greets. "You're a welcome sight in these troubled times."

"We had thought not to meet you here, my Lady." Theon adds. 

"I had not thought to be here." She replies. Her face is hard to read. She seems nervous, confused, or shocked. Or maybe a mix of all three. She looks back at Robb. "I would speak with my son alone. I know you will forgive me, my Lords." 

"You heard her, move your asses!" Umber yells at the rest of the men in the tent. He stops in front of Cat. "Have no fear, my Lady, we'll shove our swords so far up Tywin Lannister's bunghole, and then it's on to the Red Keep for Ned." He gives her one last small bow before walking off. 

I go to leave with them, but she stops me. "Stay, please."

Once the men are aways away, she pulls Robb into a long hug. "I remember the day you came into this world, red faced and squalling. And now, I find you leading a host to war."

"There was no one else." Robb explains. 

"No one?" She asks doubtfully. "Who were those men I saw here?"

Robb shakes his head. "None of them are Starks." 

"All of them are seasoned in battle." She exclaims. 

Robb looks at her seriously. "If you think you can send me back to Winterfell-"

She shakes her head. "Oh, I would if I could." She turns to me and wraps her arms tightly around me. I hug her back equally as tight. 

"My sweet girl." She brushes a strand of hair behind my ear. "I've heard what happened in King's Landing. Everyone is talking about it."

I wince. "Which part?"

"The big part." She sighs. 

"What big part?" Robb asks. 

"You haven't heard?" Cat asks, looking at me. 

I shrink down a little. "It never really came up."

"What are you talking about?" Robb looks worried. 

"Caroline announced her true name, then lit herself on fire and fought off fifty men." Cat tells him.  

He turns to me and I give a small apologetic smile. 

"You lit yourself on fire?" He asks loudly. "Like that one night..."

"Yeah. I did it." I tell him warily. 

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