~Moving on~

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(I do not own the characters, only the plot.)

I shook the pockets of my jacket.

A few crisp dollar notes and some coins fell to the ground.

I threw the jacket on the grass after picking all the money up.

I still remembered that day.

The day he had taken everything from me.

I remembered vowing to myself to get revenge.

"Thunk! Ow, my fist!" I rubbed my hand against my jacket.

I remembered training every day from on that.

"Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Ouch!"

I remembered turning every single little drop of my anger into focus.

"Thunk! Bang! Thwop!" The punching bag's rope holding it up snapped apart.

I remembered training for hours.

"Bang!" My fist went straight through the punching bag and into the cold sawdust inside it.

I walked away, and picking up a pistol.

"Bang!"  8 foot miss.

I walked into a Starbucks and ordered a coffee.

"Bang!" 7 foot miss.

"Keep the change."

"Bang!" 5 foot miss.

I sat down at one of the small tables and drank my coffee in silence.

"Bang! 2 foot miss"

After I finished my drink, I threw the foam cup into a trash can and left.

"Bang!" Hit!

I was seriously tired even after all that caffeine. I requested for an Uber.

"Bang! Cool! Bullseye!"

I opened the car door and sat down.

"Bang!" The entire target board fell down.

I payed the Uber and got out of the car. I walked toward the apartment building.

I ran up the stairs and took my key out.

I opened the door, slipped out of my shoes, and shut the door behind me.

Walking over to my fridge, I opened it and got an apple out and started eating it.

I laid down on my bed, and turned on the TV.

The news was reporting right now about the death of dozens in a old abandoned tornado shelter that was getting renovated due too a gas leak.

"Typical CIA."

I closed the TV and went to sleep.

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