Chapter 1- Casey

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WARING THIS MENTIONS RAPE AND ABUSE- this is one of my au's I will make the other one also but I am doing this one first

Casey got a relationship with a boy that abuses him and uses him. He was very broken up about it. One day he was in his office crying and kelly found him and made it his problem and went to see what was wrong.

Casey was in his office crying forgetting about the blinds and door. Severide looks over and sees him crying. He walks to the door and knocks on the door frame.

"Hey you ok Casey". Severide said in a conserved voice.
Casey wipes his tears away. "Ya I'm good. That was very unprofessional sorry." Kelly looks over at Casey and walks over.

"Hey it's ok to cry people cry all he time it is normal. Don't ever say sorry for crying." He said in a Stern voice. "Now...why are you crying?" Kelly asked but Casey stayed quiet. Kelly never saw Casey's face yet but he can tell he was hiding it. "Why are you hiding you face?"

A long pause happened. Casey started talking "w...what do you mean I am n...not hiding face..."kelly looked long and hard at him and started to get mad and then marched over and turns Casey around. When he did he saw the scratches and the busted lip and the black eye.

"CASEY WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" As kelley he yelled he got the attention of some people in the fire house.

"I..I fell down my apartments stairs...that's all."

Kelly looked at him and said "you did not get that falling down stairs." Kelly closes the door and the blinds in casey's office. He goes up to Casey squats down and touches his face "what happened to you?" He asked with a quiet voice.

Casey starts talking with a quiet voice saying "I thought he was a dream but he is a nightmare." He trembled and started to cry.

"Hey hey hey... don't cry what do you mean by a nightmare?"

Casey trembled and cried saying "the man at the bar...him and I started to hangout and we became boyfriends but he comes home every night at 3 am and then wakes me up beats me."

Severide did not take that very well that man he just hurt his best friend. "You need to talk to the police about this."


"Yes you can people will call you strong and brave to go the cops about it." Kelly said on a calm voice.

They go to chief Boden office with casey's head down and severide holding him up severide does not know about the rape or the bruises on his stomach or the wip marks on the back.

They get in his office and closes the door and blinds. Boden looks worried and says "what is wrong with Casey?"

Severide looks at Casey and starts to say "he..." Casey looks up and nods his head.

"He gets abused by his boyfriend and we are going to the going to the police station."

Boden's eyes widen and says "go"

They both nods their heads

"Oh by the way Casey I an sorry for what happened to you"

Casey nods his head "thank you chief"

Casey x severide one-shot (Firefighters dream)Where stories live. Discover now