Chapter 2- cops

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They got to the police station Casey is limping in and severide picks him up for the stairs .

Trudy is at the desk.she looks up and sees casey being  carried up the stairs.

severide asked casey "do you want to be put down"

casey answers with a quiet voice "no it hurts to much to walk"

Severide nods and says "it ok"

Trudy's asked with a concerned voice "what happened to casey?"

"can we go to a private room please...?" casey asks

"ya of  course" trudy said.

they go to a office so they can talk severide puts casey do in a chair and explained happened to Casey.

Trudy implies that they are going to get a detective to work the case she said "it might be the intelligence unit"

Severide looks over with concern

Casey said "I would rather that then having someone that I have to get to know"

Trudy goes and says that she will get them

Will trudy is getting them severide gets these thoughts in his head

Severide's pov

He looks so innocent and cute
he is my best friend form work that's all

But ... On the other hand he is hot and cute and makes my day everytime I talk to him
Casey's pov
He is so handsome and sexy and cute and hot

Nope just friends
But he helping me and he is caring and very protective of me
Trudy comes back in and has hank and Antonio.

(My Au hank and Casey are ok with each other they are not hating in each other)

Jay come in and is stunned by Casey
And hank is walking up to him said "are you ok Casey!?"

Casey replied saying " things could be worse and better but I'm ok"

"Who did this to you" Antonio said

"My boyfriend" Casey implied

"So what did he do?" Hank asked

Casey explained what happen then they left to go home but Casey wanted to go to the fire house

"No we are going home Casey" kelly said carrying Casey

"I what to go to work kelly" Casey said

" Nope you are in no shape for work Chief already said that you go stay home"


They get to kelly's apartment and kelly puts casey in the couch it is very silent in the room they are both staring at each other they both said at the same time "I have something to tell you"

"You go first" kelly said

"...... I...I like....I LIKE YOU KELLY!"

At that point kelly was not talking but then he smiled and kissed Casey lightly then said "I like you too"

Casey x severide one-shot (Firefighters dream)Where stories live. Discover now