Chapter 3

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     I opened my eyes and I instantly remembered what day it was. I know this day is going to be awesome, a day where I can forget about all of the bad things, even if that means it lasts only for a day. I get cleaned, put on my comfiest outfit, and I eat breakfast with my aunt right before she leaves for work. I walk outside and hop over the gate to walk on Caleb's porch.I knocked on the door, I had to wait a little bit but the door did eventually open. We sit on the porch steps and take amongst ourselves. We talk about our happiest moments together and start playing games on the phone.

      Then Caleb calmly put his phone down and me still in the middle of the game asked, "Why did you stop playing I was totally in the middle of kicking your ass? Are chickening out because your losing, we always can chan-"

      He cut me off saying, "Don't you want to talk about it?

      I looked up from the game and looked back down saying, "No I don't, that's not why I came over here I came over here to have fun. Not to talk about my problems."

      "But I know you do want to talk about it." he said.

      I turned off my phone and stated, "But I don't!"

      He said, "Do you really think I'm that dumb? Ameka I know you too well, when you're upset I'm usually the first person to notice, you know you can talk to me." I sigh because I know deep down I want to talk about it and I also know he's the only person I can talk to because he knows how it feels to lose his family. After all the second summer after I met Caleb, he told me his mom left them and three years ago his father ended up dying. So the only family he had was auntie, Derrick, and me, but I couldn't always be with him because I only came down in the summer. After a minute of silence, I decided to talk about it. I ended up becoming a crying mess and all I was doing was talking and Caleb was just listening.

      We talked a little bit more and he gave me a hug then he said, "Don't forget I will always be here for you even when the whole world is against you. Now let me go into the house to grab you tissues and something to drink. Do you want orange juice, it is your favorite?" I just nodded my head yes. He goes inside and I just look at the blue sky and feel the spring wind while sitting on the steps. He comes back with tissues and a glass of orange juice. I wipe my face and drink all of the orange juice. After awhile I feel sleepy maybe because of all that crying, I try to keep myself awake but I just ended up going to sleep. I have a dream about driving a car then I suddenly hear talking. But then I heard the talking get louder as if I wasn't in a dream. I feel like I'm in a truck and I hear a mix of guns and arguing. At this point I'm awake but I keep my eyes closed because I have no idea what's happening.

      Then I hear somebody's voice saying, "The cops are gaining and we don't have enough bullets to fight them off."

      Then another voice that sounds familiar says, "Grab y'all guns and get ready to jump out of this van because we're going to crash it."

      A different voice asked, "What about the girl?

      The familiar voice said, "She's going to survive this because she's a strong one."

      Another voice says, "Get ready"

      I get the courage to open my eyes and I hear a voice say, "NOW!" I feel my body fly up in the air and then I feel my head hit against the ground. I feel a bright light hitting my eyes and hear cop sirens.

     I regained some of my consciousness but before I could regain all of it I felt somebody grab and say, " Your arrested for being a part of drive-by". I held my head because it hurts and my eye-sight is blurry. But when I held my head there was a wet and somewhat sticky felling, so when I pulled my hand down to see why my hand was wet. My vision focuses and I see a lot of blood on my hands and then everything went dark. I wake up to sound of metal clanging and I seen my hands hand-cuffed. I struggle to sit up but I eventually do and see bars like I'm in a cage. Then I remember hearing I was arrested before passing out and then everything sinks that I'm at a police station.

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