Chapter 5

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      It's been 5 hours since I woke up and I still don't have the courage to leave my room. I just sit there on my bed not moving a muscle just wondering why did this happen to me. My aunt knocks on my door every now and then, just to make sure I'm okay. I just sat there trying to figure out how did I get arrested in the first place. I mean I don't even remember why I was in a car. I just pondered on that thought for a while.

      It's about 6 o'clock and my aunt knocks on my door cried, "I know you're really not ready to leave your room, but I just want to let you know I'll always be here for you. Even though the cops and the news reporters are saying that you were part of a drive-by. I know you didn't do that because you've always been a good girl. I know a lot of things are going through your head right now and that's why I want to give you your space. But no matter what, I will always be here for you and I will always love you." Tears streaming down my face, I just look at the door. I heard her footsteps moving away from my door. I quickly jumped off my bed, opened my door and hugged her from behind.

      Crying hysterically I manage to say, "Thank you for loving me, Thank you for not leaving me, I really needed to hear you to say that. Honestly I thought you believed the cops and you didn't love me anymore. But I know now that you will never stop loving me."

      She turns around and hugs me and asks, " Do you want dinner? I just finished making it." I nod my head yes and walk downstairs with her. We eat dinner together and we talk about everything that happened yesterday. I told her about me and Caleb talking, and me crying. Me falling asleep and waking up in a van where I was so-called part of a drive-by. Them jumping out of the van before crashing it, getting arrested and the scary interrogation. Then it clicked how did I get kidnapped if I was with Caleb before I went to sleep, and how did they know what police station I was at. I asked my aunt these questions of mine and she answered every last one with the knowledge she had.

She explained, "Caleb said that after you fall asleep from all of that crying, he carried you into the house and placed you on the couch. He left the house to get y'all some food and when he came back he saw that the door was open . And you weren't in the house, so he called me asking if I knew where you were. Of course I said no because you were supposed to be with him. I rushed back home but weren't inside either. So we thought somebody kidnapped you and well we were right but we didn't know that, we called everyone we knew including Derrick and his mom. Derrick and his mom said 'no' because they were at his aunt's house but they drove back down to help us look for you. Still driving around we heard on the radio that there was a drive-by and African American girl was caught and arrested. And that's how we found you and bailed you out." 

       After hearing everything he did for me I felt bad thinking he had something to do with this. I finished eating dinner with my aunt, she gave me a big hug. I climbed up upstairs, and laid on my bed for a while. Just wondering if the person who killed my parents were really out to kill me. Then I dozed off and fell asleep.

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