Chapter 3: Diagon Alley

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Y/N: your name
My sister and I were in our room listening to music; By The Way by Red Hot Chili Peppers was on now. She was laying in my lap and I was playing with her hair.

"Girls come here!" I heard my mom yell and my sister and I looked at each other and walked to the living room where a very tall, scary looking guy was standing. He was so very tall. He had black hair and dark eyes. He was holding an umbrella, even though it wasn't raining. He scared me yet I felt comfortable around him.

"Ah you mus' be Y/N! Hagrid, nice ter meetcha," he held out his hand towards Claire.

I cleared my throat, "um.. Sir?.. Im actually Stevi.. Shes Claire.. My 9 year old sister."

"Oh! 'Scuse me! She's very mature fer 'er age!" He told me.

I looked down, "yeah.. A lot of people think she's older.. Its okay."

Hagrid seemed a bit embarrassed by this. He straightened up and quickly said, "Well.. I guess we should be gettin' to Diagon Alley then." He started walking to the door.

"Um excuse me sir.."


"Sorry.. Hagrid.. What is Diagon Alley?" I asked.

"Its where you'll be gettin' year school supplies."

I looked back at my family and they all nodded, letting me know it would be okay.

"We'll be back soon. Yeh can say g'bye when we get back."

"Goodbye??" I said very confused.

"Honey you're going to Hogwarts today," my dad answered.

"But didn't the letter say September 1st?" Claire asked.

"Remember what we told you this morning. Dumbledore will explain to you at the school y/N."

"Oh! We almost forgot to give them the key!" My mom pulled me into her room and found an old looking key. "You're mom left you and your sister a small fortune. Its wizard money. Hagrid will explain."

"Does he know about my real mom? He seemed like he knew what dad was talking about when he reminded us of this morning."

"Yes. Hagrid was a close friend of your father and Dumbledore believes him to be very trustworthy. I assume he told Hagrid."

"Mom.. How do you know so much about this? No offense but you're just too calm about it all. And you act like its a normal thing."

"I had magic parents and I got close to your mom. That's how I met your father."

"So you're a witch? Why didn't you tell us?"

"Well.. No. Im a squib." She must have noticed my confusion. "You have to get going now honey. And happy birthday baby girl." She handed me the key. I had forgotten it was my birthday in all this commotion. She kissed my forehead and walked me back to the living-room.

"Com'on y/n. We better get goin'." Hagrid walked out of the house. I look back at my family and smiled, then followed Hagrid.

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