Chapter 14: Kings Cross Station

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Trigger warning: In this chapter Stevi will begin to show signs of being anorexic. I AM NOT PROMOTING SELF HARM OR ANY TYPE OF MENTAL DISORDERS.

Y/n: your name

"George! Y/n! Fred! Wake up! Ooooo youre so lucky mom had me wake you three up. She would be so mad if she found you and y/n in the same bed." Ginny told us.

Ginny and Claire came to wake us up this morning. I guess me and Fred fell asleep together again while watching Beauty and the Beast. We're going to Hogwarts today, so Mrs. Weasley was going crazy trying to get everything organized.

"Fred! George! Y/n! Lets go! Youre going to make us late!" We heard Mrs. Weasley yell from the kitchen.

"Coming!" The three of us yelled back.

I grabbed my outfit and ran downstairs into Ginnys room to get dressed. I chose a grey tank top, red jacket, black leggings, and brown knee high boots. I pulled my hair back into a quick low pony tail. I looked in the mirror. I noticed my stomach was getting bigger. It wasn't proportional anymore. Am I gaining weight again?

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast and started to walk away.

"Stevi, dear, you need more than just toast. You have a long day today," Mrs. Weasley said.

"Y/n, dear, you need more than just toast. You have a long day today," Mrs. Weasley said.

"I ate a lot last night. Im not that hungry. Thank you though," I smiled at her and started to walk away again.

Claire grabbed my arm and pulled me into Ginnys room.

"Y/n please don't tell me youre not eating again," she said, worried. When I was ten a girl at my school would bully me for any reason she could find. One of the things that stuck was how much more i weighed than the other girls. My parents were always too busy to notice I wasnt eating, they had their own problems to worry about. But Claire noticed. She was too mature for her age. She knew what was happening before I did.

"No i told you guys. I ate a lot last night."

"No you didn't. I was sitting next to you. I ate more than you."

"Georgie snuck me up some food last night when we were watching TV. Ask him. He'll tell you."

"Fine. But if I notice it Im telling mom."


I ran up to my room and sat on Freds bed. I was shaking. I hated lying to Claire. Especially about things like that. I know its bad. Ill just tell her when I get back to 110lbs. I grabbed the scale from my trunk. I knew I shouldn't have brought it, but when I found out Claire weighted the same as I did I knew it would come back.

124... I knew I gained weight. I get that that's normal and healthy for my height and age but it makes me uncomfortable. I heard Fred and George coming up the stairs. I quickly shoved the scale back into my trunk and pretended to look for a book.

"Hey y/n?" Fred said as he came to sit by me.

"Yeah?" Damn it Claire did you really have to tell him?

"Why did Claire tell us to make sure youre eating?"

"I don't know. What did she say?"

"'Hey Freddie, you love y/n right? Well make sure she's eating okay?'"

"That's weird.. I don't know Freddie," I kissed his nose and closed my trunk. I saw Fred look at George then I walked out of the room to see if Mrs. Weasley needed help.

At kings cross station

"Claire youre going to love this!" I yelled.

"Im sure sissy," Claire said, annoyed with me already.

"Percy you first," Mrs. Weasley told Percy. A boy with black hair walked up next to Ron. He was probably a first year. I haven't seen him before.

"Fred, you next," Mrs. Weasley said, looking at Fred.

I grabbed Georges hand and said, "Molly hes not Fred, that's George."

"Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother? And you can't even tell Im George?" Fred said.

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Theyre only joking. Im George," George said as Fred ran through the wall into platform 9 3/4. George and I quickly followed.

"Nice one y/n," George laughed as we walked over to Percy.

"I wasnt a fan of the hand holding," Fred said, grabbing the hand George was holding.

"Hey it topped it off. She wouldn't have believed it otherwise."

The rest of the family walked up to us, along with the boy that has black hair.

"Oh my..." I said.

"What's wrong?" George asked.

"What's that?" I asked noticing a scar on the forehead of the boy we didn't know.

"Blimey. Are you..?" Fred started to ask.

"He is.. Aren't you?" George asked.

"What?" The boy said, confused.

"Harry Potter.." We all said in synch.

"Oh.. Yes I am," he said.

I looked at Fred. He looked as shocked as I was. But he didn't just meet his long lost famous cousin...

"Come on kids! It's almost 11!" Mrs. Weasley yelled.

"I have to sit with the prefects. We have prefect duties to follow throughout the ride to school," Percy said, beaming.

"Oh Percy! Are you a prefect?" Fred said sarcastically.

"You should've told us Perc!" I said.

"Wait. Im pretty sure he did," George said, "maybe once."


"A minute."

"All summer."

"Oh shut up!" Percy said.

Fred, George and I found a compartment and put all our stuff away. I pulled Bonnie onto my chest and laid on Freds lap. I fell asleep quickly. I love sleeping on the train. It makes everything go by quicker. We'd be back at Hogwarts in no time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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