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Yibo was always unlucky and if you ask why? Im gonna tell you, he always thought that his partner( mate ) would definitely become omega because he did not like to be dominated at all, and if you ask him, what is he? He is beta, Well, unfortunately, a few days ago, he realized that his partner is an alpha, and again, with much regret, that Xiaozhan

Fuck.......xiaozhan........ he is damn alpha

In highschool, he was always the one who harassed Yibo, and well, he was always involved in fights, and Yibo was usually the one who left the most scars on zhan s face.

They all knew that after the birth of eighteen years old, the person who becomes Alpha is xiaozhan, since both his parents were Alpha.

Of course, there were those who thought that Yibo would also be alpha, but it became a beta. Of course, this was much better than being Omega. Not because being omega is bad, only yibo could not be omega with that muscular body.

Well, surely the question for all of you guys now is how did they found out that they are mate?

First of all, yibo was forced to study abroad in Korea for a year because of his father's work, and returned to China a year and a half later
He decided to continue his course, he had started in Korea , Engineering Although yibo was very interested in dance, he studied the field because of his father, and his father insisted that after that yibo should take his place in the works.

The story begin, yibo side

So in the morning after his return, he drove to one of the best universities in China and had already sent the form and all his documents from Korea, and his transfer request had been approved, and now only a few works were left to be signed.

When he entered the university, he was under a lot of stress because he was in the middle of the year and he did not know anyone and did not know if he could keep up with other student in class

After examining the surroundings and asking a few people, he finally found the university education department

He entered the room and saw a woman in a black coat and skirt, From the smell in the room, it was clear that she was an alfa

Okay I get it another question how would yibo recognize alpha pheromone while he is beta ?

(In my novel, there is not much difference between beta, alpha and omega, meaning that betas also have the ability to sense the pheromones released from alpha or omega, and they can even respond to it, but they just can't get into the heat and release the pheromones. And one more thing, there are a series of exceptions for some of betas that give them a special set of features that other betas do not have, which I will explain more about in the following chapters. )

" Hi, I'm yibo , I am a new transfer student and you called me today about my transfer work And you asked me to come to university" yibo said very politely that he had never talked to anyone so politely, but he knew that if he bothered her and made her mad, he would be expelled from university without leaving him in the class

"Yes Mr wang yibo right?" she said while she pointed to the chair next to the table

yibo sat down on a chair and began to scanned his surroundings ,The room was very clean and very luxurious And it was quite clear because all the alphas belonged to the rich and affluent strata of society

"Very well, Mr. wang, all your work is done and you only have to sign these few documents and then you can start your class from today Just before that, I want to tell you some of the most important rules of the university

1.You can take 3 to 4 days off a month when you enter your heat period. Of course you are beta, but you can use this leave for when your partner needed you

2. We attach great importance to beta and omega security here, and it is important that alpha does not disturb them and that there is no attack or rape

So far, there has been no problem for yibo because he has never wanted to attack anyone and certainly no one with that physique dared to think of attacking him.

3.The third law, which can not be said, is a kind of law, but the most important of them is a person in this university from the Faculty of Economics, which I advise you not to get involved with him, his name is xiaozhan from ### family , The family that can be said to be the owner of most of this university and he is a rebellious and arrogant Alpha, and many people have been fired because of him, so be cureful "

When yibo heard zhan's name, he become shocked , is this the same zhan he knows from highschool?

''Damn...... this can not happening '' he muttered and drowned in his thoughts

He knew that the fight was going to happen again with the background he had with zhan and the resentment in zhan's heart toward yibo.

yibo came out of his thoughts with a woman's voice

"okay follow me I gonna show you your closet and your class ''

They both left the room and entered the gym after crossing a long corridor , There you could see a group of students who were divided into groups and each group had a different color. Suddenly a woman started calling a person's name.

"jimmy come here " she literally screaming

Cute small boy in purple Tshirt approached them

"jimmy, this is yibo , a new engineering student, I want you to show him everywhere and help him with classes. I have a job in the office.'' She left

"Hi, I'm jimmy, I'm studying engineering too. Let 's talk about class hours first, and I'll show you around" he said with smile on his face

"omg he is so cute I hope I could find a mate like him he is small and tiny and have brown hair, he is omega obviously" yibo said that in his mind

"Well, today we have 2 classes in the afternoon and a party"

" what party? '' yibo said happily at least attending the party could make him forget that damn alpha from his mind

" Well, today is the day of university sports competitions, so the coach asked all students from different faculties to participate and each faculty has its own color. We are purple, but now it is almost the end of the celebration and only the basketball match is left then 2 class left for end

Both went to the competition venue. The last match was between the economics and mechanics team.

The economics team was yellow and the mechanics team was blue. Now I was both sitting on the spectator seats in the third row. yibo could clearly see all the players. Most of them were alpha and a few betas, but there was no omega between them. Of course, it was clear.

Usually in the world of wolves, basketball was played much more violently, and the players used their physical powers.

The referee's whistle sounded and the game started. After a few rounds, the economy team changed a number of its players and now yibo could see a familiar face. Yes he was famous xioazhan

Now you ask why famous? Because when he started playing, most of the girls in the stadium started yelling along with a series of posters that said, "We love you zhan or you are amazing zhun"

yibo could not understand why so many girls liked him. He had nothing but an alpha from a famous family. He had neither a muscular physique nor an attractive face. He was just an arrogant alpha with false self confident .

on the other hand yibo had very good body and in the two years he was in aboard, his had become more muscular and he was much more attractive in appearance.
The only problem in the middle was that he was beta, which of course was not important for him.

yibo was completely staring at zhan" Now that I look at him, if you disregard that he is alpha, he had not changed much in terms of physique, it had only become a little thinner, and His face was much whiter and he did not have the rough look of high school , So why were people still afraid of him? " yibo thought to himself

little by little, yibo felt a strange feeling inside his chest, as if it were a combination of different emotions like anger, joy, happiness, pleasure and of course a strange heat .

He could not say exactly what was happening because it had never happened before ,His body began to tremble and his heart beat faster than normal and his body temperature gradually went up, and suddenly he heard the howling of a wolf inside him. That's why fear covered his whole body

"What the hell is going on?" yibo said that with shaky voice

"Hey yibo are you okay?" jimmy said with concern voice

But he received no answer ,after hear screaming from some of the girls, he raised his heads and looked at the match. A number of players had gathered around one person.

Yibo: What happened there?

Jimmy:I think One of the players cheated and hit the opponent team player with a hard kick. I think he was injured

Yibo: which player?

Jimmy: xiaozhan

Damn that bitch is injured why do I feel that way? In yibo s mind

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