7 1 3

Mark and I walked down the street as he ranted about his taco "THAT WAS MY MOTHER FUCKING TACO YOU MOTHER FUCKING PIGEON! WHY WOULD ANY CREATURE EVER DO THAT?!" He angrily kicked a can across the parking lot as we walked to my car "Calm down, it was a taco" I chuckled as I unlocked the car. "Yes, but it was my taco" he pouted as he slumped down in the passenger seat.  "Mother fucking pigeons"
After a few minutes of excruciating silence, I put on the radio. "Next up we have 'Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet by F" clap "O" another clap "BBBBBBB!!!!" The enthusiastic radioman called. Mark perked up and turned up the radio before I could. "MR. SANDMAN SHOWING HIS BEAM WHAT HE WALKS INTO THE ROOM THE WALLS LEAN IN TO LISTEN" We screamed in unison as we stopped for a second to catch our breath before screaming 'I didn't' about five million times before screaming louder 'I DON'T'.


By the time the day was over, Mark and I had driven multiple miles, now with two golden retrievers in the back seat wagging their tails and howling along with the two humans who were screaming Fall Out Boy lyrics in the front seats. Currently, we're listening to Carpal Tunnel of Love and I got to show Mark my sick ass screaming skills. Well, I think they're sick. I won't speak for him. But, alas, the fun ended as we arrived at my apartment complex. We entered the modern-looking lobby, dragging the two dopey puppies behind us. Though it was still under construction. Just needed a paint job to be done. At the lobby, we get greeted by my landlord, Jaxson. Jaxson, although I rather like his crazy appearance, would never pass as the professional landlord that he tries so hard to be. He had a very long and poofy multi-colored mullet, streeks of brown, white, and muted red decorating his mane-like hair. He stood only a few inches taller than I did. Plus the man literally runs a waffle restaurant with his boyfriend, Mike. You can't be a professional when you run a fucking waffle restaurant.

 "Eeeey, wassup Jacka boy?" He grinned from his spinny chair "Who's the new dude?" Jaxson stood from his desk chair to greek them, his spastic black cat followed close behind. His eyes lit up before nudging my bicep with his elbow "'d ya finally bring a boy home?" He smirked as a shit-eating grin broke out across his face. "No, he's a friend. I'm just helping him out for a bit. Calm the fuck down, J" I sighed "We're headed up, don't fuckin' burst in and scream bloody murder or some shit at 3 in the morning. We gotta go easy on the newbies." I said as I dragged Mark towards the elevator. "What?" Mark chuckled once we reached the levitating death machine that is that elevator specifically. "He just likes to burst into my apartment and scream at stupid o'clock because no one else will let him." I pushed the button to the 4th floor. Mark gave me a concerned look "You let him do this...why?" his eyebrows were knitted together "Sometimes I get a waffle or two out of it" Mark cringed a little
"Bitch wha-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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