Chapter 6: Oily Hair

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It was the beginning of December, and I woke up to Serafina softly purring in my ear.

"Mm, good morning, cutie kitty." I mumbled, as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I glanced around the dormitory and noticed I was alone. They must have already left for breakfast.

"They left us all alone, Sera." I sighed dramatically and chuckled, looking at my purring kitten.

~ Serafina POV ~

I growled and scratched the hooman lightly as my claws weren't very long yet.

They left you, not me, I thought, while getting petted by the peasant, I'm simply too fabulously magnificent to be 'left', as you say.

I let the hooman keep on petting me, and soon dozed off to yet another beauty nap.

~ Back to Lily POV ~

I stood up and got out of my silky black pajamas. We had many choices of what to wear on the school days, and each had our own massive closets filled with clothes with symbols of Hogwarts and our house. Today I chose to wear a dark green slytherin turtleneck tucked into a green plaid skirt. I may be eleven years old, but I still have style, unlike this girl from Gryffindor who was spotted wearing an old Hello Kitty shirt with polka dot leggings. Pure disgustion.

I got changed, brushed my teeth, and went down the stairs to the common room, where I found something I didn't expect.

Albus, my brother, was on the floor receiving punches from some stupid Slytherin dude.

"What the heck?!" I exclaimed, terrified by the sight of my poor helpless brother on the floor. Everyone froze and looked up. I noticed that Paisley and Sasha were in the crowd gawking too, but Tara was nowhere to be seen.

"Oh, it's just that redhead brat. Continue, Justin." A black haired asain boy said.

Justin drew back his arm, getting ready for another punch, but oh hell no, honey. Not happening.


I now had his oily disgusting hair in my fist, and I was pulling tightly, not
loosing grip at all.

"What do you have to say, Justin" I sneered, enjoying this.

"Let me go, you freak!" he tried to wriggle out of my grasp, but I only pulled tighter.

"If I pull any harder, there's going to be this nice smooth round spot on your head, called baldness." I warned him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, please!" he cried out desperately. A few of his buds whistled and hooted, apparently enjoy the scene of their friend getting tortured by an 11 year old girl. Albus had already wriggled out from under Justin, and was watching the show with a smirk on his face.

"Hm, fine. Just one more thing." I winked, "Albus, please hold his hair."

Albus obediently walked behind Justin and took hold of the hair. I walked around and stopped in front of Justin. I had to wipe my hands against the sides of my skirt as they were quite greasy after his hair.

"Let me go you piece of-" Justin started, but didn't finish as I kicked him nice and hard in his crotch. He groaned in pain and I smiled sweetly.

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