Chapter 7: Detention

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Christmas. It was only a week away. Time seemed to fly by, and soon I would get to see my parents again. I haven't expected this, but the thought of leaving Hogwarts for Christmas break made me miss it already. It had grown on me, all the fun and trouble and experiences I've had, and only in my first semester. This was home now, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I walked into the Potions classroom, holding hands and giggling with Tara. We took our usual place at our potion station on the second row. I felt someone tap me on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Hey, you're Lily, right?" asked a boy with voluminous and unruly brown hair.


"I'm Gavin, I've heard all about you."

"What exactly have you heard?" I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

He chuckled, "Only the good things, of course."

"Like what?" I questioned him.

"Well," he began, "Like when you beat up that jerk named Justin. That was great."

"Aw, nice to know I have fans." I joked.

His iridescent blue eyes shone as he laughed. Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat behind us.

"Maybe try to pay a bit more attention when I'm talking, Mr Hale." Slughorn raised an eyebrow at Gavin. I had not even noticed that he had already entered the classroom and began the lesson. The proffesor then turned to me with a disapproving look. I quickly turned around to face the front of the class and blushed. When he walked back to his front desk, Tara leaned in closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Awe, are we in love with Gavin now?" she teased.

"Shut it." I grunt in reply. She giggled and started making her potion. Today we were making the Boil-Cure potion, which cured boils. We added the ingredients into our cauldrons and waited until everyone else did so, so Slughorn could give further instructions.

"Now, heat it up for 10 seconds." Proffesor Slughorn said. "Next, mix it with your wands and leave it to brew."

While we waited, Tara and I overheard two Slytherin girls at the workstation in front of us gossip.

"Did you see him?" The one with long straight black hair whispered to the other. "He's so cute!"

"Who? Gavin Hale?" The other one with a blond braid asked.

"Yes, you doofus." She turned around to look at him, but I was perfectly blocking the view for her.

"Move it," she hissed.

I stuck out my tongue in response.

She rolled her eyes, annoyed. "What are you, 5?"

"Hey, watch it." Tara shot her a nasty look.

"Or what, are you gonn-"

"Black hair bitch needs to take a chill pill." I said to Tara, and we both burst into laughter, which earned us a glare from the proffesor. Suddenly Filch came in and told him the headmaster needed to see him.

"I'll be right back, students." Slughorn excused himself and followed Filch out the room.

After making sure he was gone, black hair girl narrowed her black eyes at us. "I heard that."

"Yeah, no shit. I'd be surprised if you didn't." I responded calmly.

She reached over and started pulling my hair while muttering the entire curse dictionary.

"Stephanie, stop." her blond haired friend said meekly. Stephanie however, continued pulling my hair. But no, that's not the way it goes. I grabbed and twisted her arm, and she yelped in pain. I took the chance and reversed the roles, me grasping her silky perfect black hair now. Strange, I've been pulling a lot of hair recently.

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