life from four and a half to elven

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When I was 4 and1/2 I got adopted I didn't quite know what to expect as I was in 6 different foster homes before that but I started to get a lot better and enjoyed life when I was older I realised that it wasn't all bad though I started enjoying my life as it came but then I had to move schools from Westfield to Queensway primary which upset me as I knew I wouldn't see any of my friends again but I knew it was better for my family as we had moved house. as I was in primary school I made lots of new friends and enjoyed it a lot but as it went on I got into a couple of fights as I was getting bullied and I went and told the teachers who didn't do anything about it so I took matters in to my own hands and dealt with it the way I thought was appropriate which was by smacking them and punching the bullies. as time went on I got into more fights and wasn't concentrating on school but I finally got back to concentrating on school and work to make sure that I did what I had to do. when school had finished I thought to my self yes I'm not going to get bullied anymore but little did I know I was still going to be bullied. I was on holiday with my family for 6 weeks when I went and broke my wrist by picking plums of our plum tree and I was in a cast for the rest of the 6 weeks.

Story of my life Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang