*Cry's on his ears*

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Daichi's POV: 

I couldn't do it, Suga never answered the door, I couldn't get into the house. God Damn it, what if he's dead now, I screamed at the world for all the pain it had put Suga through. I went home, praying that Suga would be at practice tomorrow. I didn't sleep at all. I was waiting to see if Suga would respond to any of the texts or calls I had left him the previous night. I looked out the wind as a small blue bird flew on by, would I really be able to accept it if Suga died. Knowing that I could have done something sooner, I didn't want to wait any longer. I was going to Suga's house, and I was getting in no matter what.

I ran downstairs to put my shoes on when my cell phone rang in my back pocket. My hands were shaking, I was praying that it would be Suga, God please just let it be him, PLEASE let him live another day, PLEASE. My heart dropped as I read the caller ID, Suga, my hands shook violently as I answered, my voice cracking as I said," hello?"

"Hey Daichi it's me Suga, I got all your messages and figured I would call you back."

"Thank god, I said, crying so hard that I could no longer talk."

"Daichi I'm Alive, and I am going to be ok, So please hold dear to your promise."


I heard Suga break down on the other line, I could almost feel him trembling in deep sadness. Come on brain, think what do I say?

"I'm right HERE Suga, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Okay," Suga said softly, "ok."

And then the call ended, wait no, I, I want to tell you I LOVE YOU.

Do I call him back, should I just go over to his house to comfort him? I looked down at my phone screen pondering what to do. I had no idea, so I decided to make a call, to get some help.

"Hello Asahi, I spoke as calmly as I could into the phone."


"Yep it's me, could I ask you something?"

"Of course what's on your mind," he asks ever so soothingly.

" If you knew someone you loved was harming themselves, and you have been worried about them all night, would you call them or go and see them asap," I asked.

I listened to Ashahi's worried, yet calming voice, as he told me what he would do.

"Thanks, I said", hanging up, I was too worried about Suga, to talk to Asahi anymore.

I decided to follow Asahi's advice, I looked at my phone, as a final tear rolled down my cheek.

God Suga, why did things have to be like this, I will help you through this I swear. I promise to always be there, until my last dying breath. I promise to love you, god I'm going to tell you everything. Suga I love you more than life itself, I want to be with you, so please just be okay, until I can see you again. All these thoughts rushed through my head, on an endless cycle, until I heard a knock on the door. 

His truths and mine ( A DaiSuga fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon